use warnings 'all';
use Getopt::Long;
-my $opt_lang = 'en';
-my $opt_index;
-GetOptions ('lang=s' => \$opt_lang,
- 'index' => \$opt_index)
+my $format = 'html';
+my $lang = 'en';
+my $index = '';
+my $header = '';
+my $footer = '';
+GetOptions ('format=s' => \$format,
+ 'lang=s' => \$lang,
+ 'index' => \$index,
+ 'header' => \$header,
+ 'footer' => \$footer)
or die("bad command line arguments\n");
+my $author =
+ $lang eq 'en' ? 'bandali'
+ : $lang eq 'fa' ? 'بندعلی'
+ : '';
+my $site_title =
+ $lang eq 'en' ? "${author}'s personal site"
+ : $lang eq 'fa' ? "سایت شخصی $author"
+ : '';
+my $site_desc =
+ $lang eq 'en' ? "notes and blog posts by $author"
+ : $lang eq 'fa' ? "نوشتهها و بلاگ پستهای $author"
+ : '';
+my $site_url =
+ ($lang eq 'en') ? ''
+ : ($lang eq 'fa') ? ''
+ : '';
+my $feed_id =
+ ($lang eq 'en') ? ",2020:notes.$format"
+ : ($lang eq 'fa') ? ",2020:fa/notes.$format"
+ : '';
my $link_re =
+my $out = '';
+# atom/rss feed header and footer
+if ($index and ($format eq 'atom' or $format eq 'rss')) {
+ if ($header) {
+ my $now_iso8601 = `date -Iseconds -u | tr -d \\\\n`;
+ my $now_rfc5322 = `date -uR | tr -d \\\\n`;
+ my $atom_rel = $format eq 'atom' ? 'self' : 'alternate';
+ my $rss_rel = $format eq 'rss' ? 'self' : 'alternate';
+ my $link = $format eq 'atom' ? 'link' : 'atom:link';
+ my $links = '';
+ if ($lang eq 'en') {
+ $links = qq(
+<$link hreflang="fa" href="" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" />
+<$link hreflang="fa" href="" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" />
+<$link hreflang="fa" href="" rel="alternate" type="text/plain" />
+<$link hreflang="fa" href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" />
+<$link href="" rel="$atom_rel" type="application/atom+xml" />
+<$link href="" rel="$rss_rel" type="application/rss+xml" />
+<$link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/plain" />
+<$link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" />);
+ } elsif ($lang eq 'fa') {
+ $links = qq(
+<link hreflang="en" href="" rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" />
+<link hreflang="en" href="" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" />
+<link hreflang="en" href="" rel="alternate" type="text/plain" />
+<link hreflang="en" href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" />
+<link href="" rel="$atom_rel" type="application/atom+xml" />
+<link href="" rel="$rss_rel" type="application/rss+xml" />
+<link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/plain" />
+<link href="" rel="alternate" type="text/html" />);
+ }
+ $links =~ s/^\n//;
+ $out .= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>';
+ $out .= ($format eq 'atom') ? qq(
+<feed xml:lang="$lang" xmlns="">
+ : ($format eq 'rss') ? qq(
+<rss version="2.0"
+ xmlns:atom=""
+ xmlns:content="">
+ : '';
+ } elsif ($footer) {
+ $out .= ($format eq 'atom') ? '</feed>'
+ : ($format eq 'rss') ? '</channel></rss>'
+ : '';
+ }
+ # we're done
+ goto PRINT;
my $txt = do { local $/; <STDIN> };
my $title = html_esc($txt =~ /\A([^\n]+)/);
$title =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
-if ($opt_lang eq 'fa') {
- $title .= ' — بندعلی' if $title !~ /بندعلی/;
-} else {
- $title .= ' — bandali' if $title !~ /bandali/;
+$title .= " — $author" if $title !~ /$author/;
my ($upd, $pub, $url) = $txt =~ /(.*)\r?\n(.*)\r?\n(.*)\r?\n?\z/;
($upd) = $upd =~ /(?:updated|ویرایش): (.*)/ if $upd;
$txt = linkify(html_esc($txt));
-print("<!doctype html>",
- qq(<html lang="$opt_lang"),
- $opt_lang eq 'fa' ? ' dir="rtl"' : '',
- ">",
- qq(<head>
+my $upd_iso8601 = `date -Iseconds -ud '$upd' | tr -d \\\\n` if $upd;
+my $pub_iso8601 = `date -Iseconds -ud '$pub' | tr -d \\\\n` if $pub;
+my $pub_rfc5322 = `date -uRd '$pub' | tr -d \\\\n` if $pub;
+my $url_html = $url =~ s/(?:[.]$lang)?[.]txt$/.html/r;
+$url_html =~ s|/bandali-(.*)|/$1|;
+my $slug = $url_html =~ s|.*/(.*)[.]html$|$1|r;
+my $note_id = "$feed_id:$slug";
+# note header
+if ($format eq 'html') {
+ $out .=
+ '<!doctype html>'
+ . qq(<html lang="$lang") . ($lang eq 'fa'
+ ? ' dir="rtl"'
+ : '' . '>')
+ . qq(<head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
-content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n),
- "<title>$title</title>\n",
- qq(<link rel="icon" href="data:,">\n),
- $url ? qq(<link rel="alternate" href="$url"
-title="plain text" type="text/plain" />\n) : '',
- ($opt_index and $opt_lang eq 'en')
- ? qq(<link rel="alternate" href=""
+content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />\n)
+ . "<title>$title</title>\n"
+ . qq(<link rel="icon" href="data:,">\n)
+ . ($url
+ ? qq(<link rel="alternate" href="$url"
+title="plain text" type="text/plain" />\n)
+ : '')
+ . (($index and $lang eq 'en')
+ ? qq(<link rel="alternate" href=""
hreflang="fa" title="persian" />\n)
- : ($opt_index and $opt_lang eq 'fa')
- ? qq(<link rel="alternate" href=""
+ : ($index and $lang eq 'fa')
+ ? qq(<link rel="alternate" href=""
hreflang="en" title="english" />\n)
- : '',
- qq(<style>\@media(prefers-color-scheme:dark){
+ : '')
+ . qq(<style>\@media(prefers-color-scheme:dark){
- $opt_lang eq 'fa'
- ? qq(\n\@font-face{font-family:sahel;font-weight:normal;
+ . ($lang eq 'fa'
+ ? qq(\n\@font-face{font-family:sahel;font-weight:normal;
src:local('Sahel WOL'),local('Sahel'),
- : '',
- "</style>\n",
- "</head><body><pre>$txt</pre></body></html>\n");
+ : '')
+ . "</style>\n"
+ . '</head><body><pre>';
+} elsif ($format eq 'atom' or $format eq 'rss') {
+ my $atom_updated =
+ ($format eq 'atom') ? 'updated'
+ : ($format eq 'rss') ? 'atom:updated'
+ : '';
+ my $updated =
+ "<$atom_updated>$upd_iso8601</$atom_updated>\n" if $upd;
+ $out .= ($format eq 'atom') ? qq(
+<entry xml:base="$site_url">
+. ($updated ? $updated : '') .
+qq(<link href="$url" rel="alternate" type="text/plain" />
+<link href="$url_html" rel="alternate" type="text/html" />
+<content type="html"><![CDATA[<pre>)
+ : ($format eq 'rss') ? qq(
+<guid isPermaLink="false">$note_id</guid>
+. ($updated ? $updated : '') .
+ : '';
+# note body
+$out .= $txt;
+# note footer
+if ($format eq 'html') {
+ $out .= '</pre></body></html>';
+} elsif ($format eq 'atom') {
+ $out .= "</pre>]]></content></entry>";
+} elsif ($format eq 'rss') {
+ $out .= "</pre>]]></content:encoded></item>";