#+date: [2018-08-19 Sun]
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Hello there,
I'm a [[file:uw.org][graduate student]] in the [[https://watform.uwaterloo.ca][WatForm]] group at University of Waterloo,
supervised by [[https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~nday/][Dr. Nancy Day]]. I'm interested in using formal methods,
especially type systems, to help make software more reliable.
* Publications
:CUSTOM_ID: publications
- *A comparison of the declarative modelling languages B, Dash, and
TLA^{+}* (pdf, bib, [[https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~nday/models/2018-modre][models]])
{{{pub-desc(Ali Abbassi\, Amin Bandali\, Nancy A. Day\, and Jose Serna. In
/International Workshop on Model-Driven Requirements Engineering (MoDRE) @ IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE)/.
To appear\, 2018.)}}}
* Talks & presentations
* Recent writings & essays
# TODO: atom feed
#+attr_html: :title November 1, 2016
- [[file:2016/11/arch-macbook-air.org][Arch Linux on MacBook Air 2013]]