This is my personal website, previous versions of which I've ran on
different domains since 2012. I've previously used Octopress, Jekyll,
a [custom]( static site generator written in Haskell (kudos to [Ruud van
-Asseldonk]( , [ssg]( (shout out to [Roman Zolotarev](, and [org-publish]( (also
-see [A blog in pure Org/Lisp](; but I've since ported it to [ox-hugo](, a
+Asseldonk](, [ssg]( (shout out to [Roman Zolotarev](, and [org-publish]( (see
+also [A blog in pure Org/Lisp](; but I've since ported it to [ox-hugo](, a
"carefully crafted Org exporter back-end for Hugo" (kudos to [Kaushal
Modi]( I've never been happier with my setup.