-<p>My <a href="//libreboot.org">librebooted</a> ThinkPad X200 computer
-is the machine I use the most and where I do most of my computing. I
-also have the privilege of having access to a fleet of servers through
-our school's
-<a href="//csclub.uwaterloo.ca">Computer Science Club</a> that I use
-for some more computationally intensive tasks every now and again, and
-also for hosting this very website.</p>
+<p>My <a href="https://libreboot.org">librebooted</a> ThinkPad X200
+computer is the machine I use the most and where I do most of my
+computing. I also have the privilege of having access to a fleet of
+servers through our school's
+<a href="https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca">Computer Science Club</a> that I
+use for some more computationally intensive tasks every now and again,
+and also for hosting this very website.</p>