<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" />
- <header>
- <h1 id="title">bandali's</h1>
- <h2 id="subtitle">corner on the interwebs</h2>
- </header>
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+ <main>
+ <header>
+ <h1 id="title">bandali's</h1>
+ <h2 id="subtitle">corner on the interwebs</h2>
+ </header>
+ <section>
+ <p>
+ hi, i'm
+ <a href="images/bandali-with-rms.jpg"
+ title="photo of bandali with rms wearing a “pay cash don’t be tracked” pin">amin bandali</a>,
+ often just <code>bandali</code> around the web.
+ </p>
+ </section>
- <div class="section">
+ <section>
<ul id="academia">
<li><a href="cv">cv</a></li>
<li><a href="research-interests">research interests</a></li>
- </div>
- </section>
- <section>
+ <p>
+ i'm a graduate student at <a href="https://watform.uwaterloo.ca">watform</a>
+ at university of waterloo, supervised by
+ <a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~nday/">dr. nancy day</a>.
+ my research at watform focuses on formal logic, model
+ checking, and verification. see my research interests link
+ above for more details.
+ </p>
+ </section>
- <div class="section">
+ <section>
<ul id="personal">
<li><a href="blog">blog</a></li>
<li><a href="contact">contact</a></li>
- </div>
- </section>
+ <p>
+ i’m a <a href="https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html">free software</a>
+ and <a href="https://www.gnu.org/licenses/copyleft.html">copyleft</a> activist,
+ an <a href="https://www.fsf.org/associate/">fsf associate member</a>,
+ and a <a href="https://www.gnu.org/people/webmeisters.html#bandali">gnu webmaster</a>
+ and volunteer. i co-host the <a href="https://emacsel.com">emacs.el</a> podcast,
+ and i'm organizing <a href="https://emacsconf.org/2019/">emacsconf 2019</a> this fall.
+ </p>
+ </section>
+ </main>