break haunt.scm down into smaller (bandali *) modules
[~bandali/] / static / style.css
2019-12-06 Amin Bandalitweak feed icons and tag list styles
2019-12-06 Amin Bandaliadd old arch on air post
2019-12-05 Amin Bandalifurther tweak style and fix indentation
2019-12-05 Amin Bandalisimplify link styles and use text-decoration
2019-12-05 Amin Bandalitweak link style
2019-12-02 Amin Bandaliimplement optional last updated date for posts
2019-11-30 Amin Bandalivarious tweaks
2019-11-30 Amin Bandaliadd static cv page
2019-11-30 Amin Bandalislight tweaks
2019-11-30 Amin Bandaliadd static contact page
2019-11-29 Amin Bandaliadd public inbox notice at the end of posts, simplify...
2019-11-29 Amin Bandalivarious style tweaks
2019-11-29 Amin Bandalibegin work on porting to haunt