emacs: theme: forgot to uncomment load-theme for the dark theme
[~bandali/configs] / .config / guix / manifest / chaman.scm
... / ...
2 '("audacity"
3 ;"bash-completion"
4 "cvs"
5 "emacs"
6 "emacs-alert"
7 "emacs-async"
8 "emacs-boxquote"
9 "emacs-company"
10 "emacs-company-ebdb"
11 "emacs-crux"
12 "emacs-dash"
13 "emacs-debbugs"
14 "emacs-delight"
15 "emacs-diff-hl"
16 ;; "emacs-doom-themes"
17 "emacs-ebdb"
18 "emacs-emmet-mode"
19 "emacs-emojify"
20 "emacs-erc-hl-nicks"
21 "emacs-erc-scrolltoplace"
22 "emacs-eshell-up"
23 "emacs-exec-path-from-shell"
24 "emacs-expand-region"
25 "emacs-flycheck"
26 "emacs-geiser"
27 ;; "emacs-gnus-harvest"
28 "emacs-go-mode"
29 "emacs-guix"
30 "emacs-helpful"
31 "emacs-hl-todo"
32 "emacs-ivy"
33 "emacs-magit"
34 "emacs-message-x"
35 "emacs-multi-term"
36 "emacs-multiple-cursors"
37 "emacs-mwim"
38 "emacs-org"
39 "emacs-org-contrib"
40 "emacs-org-ref"
41 "emacs-orgalist"
42 "emacs-page-break-lines"
43 "emacs-pass"
44 "emacs-pinentry"
45 "emacs-projectile"
46 "emacs-shrink-path"
47 "emacs-smart-mode-line"
48 "emacs-smex"
49 "emacs-typo"
50 "emacs-unkillable-scratch"
51 "emacs-use-package"
52 "emacs-web-mode"
53 "emacs-which-key"
54 "emacs-yasnippet"
55 "font-adobe-source-code-pro"
56 "font-gnu-freefont-ttf"
57 "font-google-roboto"
58 "font-liberation"
59 "font-linuxlibertine"
60 "font-sil-gentium"
61 "font-tex-gyre"
62 "font-ubuntu"
63 "getmail"
64 "gettext"
65 "gimp"
66 "git"
67 "git:send-email"
68 "gnupg"
69 "guile"
70 "haunt"
71 "htop"
72 "hunspell"
73 "hunspell-dict-en-ca"
74 "hunspell-dict-en-us"
75 "icecat"
76 "inkscape"
77 "isync"
78 "mpv"
79 "msmtp"
80 "ncdu"
81 "notmuch"
82 "openssl"
83 "password-store"
84 "pinentry-emacs"
85 "poppler" ;for 'pdffonts'
86 "rsync"
87 "rtv"
88 "screen"
89 "setxkbmap"
90 "texlive"
91 ;"texlive-base"
92 "thinkfan"
93 "xdg-user-dirs"
94 ;"xkbcomp"
95 "xmodmap"
96 "xrdb"
97 "youtube-dl"))