- ;; Specify the startup banner. If the value is an integer then the
- ;; banner with the corresponding index is used, if the value is `random'
- ;; then the banner is chosen randomly among the available banners, if
- ;; the value is nil then no banner is displayed.
- dotspacemacs-startup-banner 001
+ ;; Specify the startup banner. Default value is `official', it displays
+ ;; the official spacemacs logo. An integer value is the index of text
+ ;; banner, `random' chooses a random text banner in `core/banners'
+ ;; directory. A string value must be a path to a .PNG file.
+ ;; If the value is nil then no banner is displayed.
+ ;; dotspacemacs-startup-banner 'official
+ dotspacemacs-startup-banner 'official