(cons msg code)))
+*** Search for non-ASCII characters
+I’d like non-ASCII characters such as ‘’“”«»‹›áⓐ𝒶 to be selected when
+I search for their ASCII counterpart. Shoutout to [[http://endlessparentheses.com/new-in-emacs-25-1-easily-search-non-ascii-characters.html][endlessparentheses]]
+for this.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq search-default-mode #'char-fold-to-regexp)
+;; uncomment to extend this behaviour to query-replace
+;; (setq replace-char-fold t)
** Bindings
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package evil
:demand t
;; :hook (org-src-mode . evil-motion-state)
- :init
- (setq evil-want-integration nil)
(evil-mode 1)
(general-swap-key nil '(normal motion) ";" ":")
- (setq
- evil-want-visual-char-semi-exclusive t
- evil-move-beyond-eol t
- ;; evil-move-cursor-back nil
- )
+ (setq evil-want-visual-char-semi-exclusive t)
;; motion state modes
(dolist (mode '(ebdb-mode
magit-repository-directories '(("~/.emacs.d/" . 0)
("~/src/git/" . 1)))
- (push (cons [unpushed status] 'show) magit-section-initial-visibility-alist)
+ (nconc magit-section-initial-visibility-alist
+ '(([unpulled status] . show)
+ ([unpushed status] . show)))
:custom-face (magit-diff-file-heading ((t (:weight normal)))))
(list (regexp-quote (system-name)) nil nil)))
(use-package undo-tree
- :bind (("C-?" . undo-tree-undo)
- ("M-_" . undo-tree-redo))
- (global-undo-tree-mode)
- (setq undo-tree-mode-lighter ""
- undo-tree-auto-save-history t))
+ (global-undo-tree-mode -1))
+ ;; :bind (("C-?" . undo-tree-undo)
+ ;; ("M-_" . undo-tree-redo))
+ ;; :config
+ ;; (global-undo-tree-mode)
+ ;; (setq undo-tree-mode-lighter ""
+ ;; undo-tree-auto-save-history t))
* Editing