- ;; (setq powerline-default-separator nil)
- (setq TeX-PDF-mode t
- Tex-command-default 'TeX)
- (setq undo-tree-auto-save-history t
- undo-tree-history-directory-alist
- `(("." . ,(concat spacemacs-cache-directory "undo"))))
- (unless (file-exists-p (concat spacemacs-cache-directory "undo"))
- (make-directory (concat spacemacs-cache-directory "undo")))
- (setq TeX-view-program-selection
- '(((output-dvi style-pstricks)
- "dvips and gv")
- (output-dvi "xdvi")
- (output-pdf "zathura")
- (output-html "xdg-open")))
- (setq TeX-view-program-list
- '(("zathura"
- ("zathura" (mode-io-correlate "-sync.sh")
- " "
- (mode-io-correlate "%n:1:%t ")
- "%o"))))
- ;; set the erc nick completion postfix to ": "
- ;; (setq erc-pcomplete-nick-postfix ", ")
- ;; Suppress ad-handle-definition warnings
- ;; (annoying "`tramp-read-passwd' got redefined" warning on startup)
- ;; (setq ad-redefinition-action 'accept)
- (define-key evil-motion-state-map ";" 'evil-ex)
- ;; not very effective because of dotspacemacs-command-key
- ;; (define-key evil-motion-state-map ":" 'evil-repeat-find-char)
- ;; enable when using zenburn
- ;; (custom-set-faces '(evil-search-highlight-persist-highlight-face ((t (:background "#5F5F5F")))))
- ;; set Eclipse and Eclim paths
- ;; (setq eclim-eclipse-dirs "/usr/lib/eclipse"
- ;; eclim-executable "/usr/lib/eclipse/eclim")
- ;; required for having working previews when using ranger
- ;; (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'evil-emacs-state)
- ;; (add-hook 'mpc-mode-hook 'evil-emacs-state)
- ;; (add-hook 'simple-mpc-mode-hook 'evil-emacs-state)
- ;; (add-hook 'simple-mpc-current-playlist-mode-hook 'evil-emacs-state)