[magit] show diff of changes when committing
[~bandali/configs] / x / .xinitrc
2015-03-07 Amin Bandali[x] use slimlock [bspwm] use zathura [sxhkd] new shortcuts
2015-03-06 Amin Bandalirename xprofile to xinitrc again
2015-02-28 Amin Bandalirename xinitrc to xprofile
2015-02-14 Amin Bandaliswap escape and caps lock
2015-02-14 Amin Bandaliback to bspwm, bye i3
2015-01-05 Amin Bandaliproper way of setting the bg using feh
2015-01-04 Amin Bandalilock the screen after 5 minutes
2015-01-04 Amin Bandaliset PATH in profile instead of zshrc
2014-12-29 Amin Bandalinew i3 setup
2014-11-25 Amin Bandalistart MPD on login
2014-11-22 Amin Bandalinew installation setup
2014-11-02 Amin Bandalia bunch of changes
2014-10-26 Amin Bandalichange dotfiles according to my latest setup (bspwm...
2014-10-25 Amin Bandaliadd bspwm, sxhkd, conky, git, gtk and x configs