[emacs/ebdb] tweak when to load the various subpackages
[~bandali/configs] / rc.org
2018-05-06 Amin Bandali[rc/zsh] add ~/.elan/bin to PATH
2018-05-06 Amin Bandali[rc] add TLP configuration for plasma
2018-05-06 Amin Bandali[rc] add PowerTOP systemd service
2018-05-03 Amin Bandali[rc] increase rofi-light's width a bit
2018-05-01 Amin Bandali[rc/x] disable bell
2018-05-01 Amin Bandali[rc/emacs] disable the internal border of Emacs' frame
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[rc/zsh] migrate my zsh setup to rc.org
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[rc/x] migrate my X.Org configurations
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/{xdg,zathura}] migrate XDG dirs and zathura configs...
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/wp] migrate my little wallpaper changer script...
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/{redshift,rofi{,-pass}}] migrate redshift, rofi...
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/{polybar,ranger}] migrate to new literate setup
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/{notmuch,offlineimap}] migrate to new literate...
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/{mpd,msmtp,ncmpcpp}] migrate to new literate setup
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/gtk,isync] migrate GTK and isync configs
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/getmail,gnupg] migrate to new literate config setup
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/fun] migrate fun scripts :)
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/{dunst,fontconfig}] migrate dunst & fontconfig...
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/{afew,bspwm}] migrate afew and bspwm (and sxhkd...
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc] add latexmk config and clean up
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc] add rc.org for centralized literate configs