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\item I'm working on expanding and testing \texttt{mathmodels},
- library implementing abstract mathematical collections written in Eiffel. I'll also
- be modeling various pieces of software in $\textrm{TLA}^+$.
+ library implementing abstract mathematical collections written in Eiffel.
+ I'll also be modeling various pieces of software in $\textrm{TLA}^+$.
-\item {\large Software Engineering Lab, } York University\, |\, {\small summer 2016}
+\item {\large Software Engineering Lab, } York University\, |\, {\small summer
+ 2016}
\textit{Research Student}
\item {\largersans The Magic of Specifications and Type Systems}
- (\hspace{.15mm}\href{https://static.aminb.org/cucsc-2017-slides.pdf}{pdf\hspace{.6mm}}), at
- Canadian Undergraduate Computer Science Conference, University of Toronto,
- Canada, Jun 15--17 2017.
+ (\hspace{.15mm}\href{https://static.aminb.org/cucsc-2017-slides.pdf}{pdf\hspace{.6mm}}),
+ at Canadian Undergraduate Computer Science Conference, University of
+ Toronto, Canada, Jun 15--17 2017.