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-<!--# set var="title" value="Curriculum vitae" -->
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-<h1>Curriculum vitae (<a href="bandali-cv.pdf">PDF</a>)</h1>
-<td><a href="//bandali.eu.org">bandali.eu.org</a></td>
-<td>available upon request via email</td>
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+<h1><a href=".">bandali</a>'s curriculum vitae</h1>
+<p class="box">also available in plain text as
+as <a href="bandali-cv.txt">bandali-cv.txt</a></p>
+<dl id="link-grid">
+<dd><a href="https://bndl.org">bndl.org</a></dd>
+<dd>available upon request via email</dd>
+<h2>Summary of Qualifications</h2>
+<li>Experience in building software for diverse areas and platforms in
+various programming languages such as C, Python, and Haskell.</li>
+<li>Passionate about applying scientific and engineering methods while
+designing and building software systems.</li>
+<li>Using formal specification techniques to find specification-level
+bugs early in the design stage rather than implementation.</li>
+<li>GNU/Linux system administration on both the client and the server
+<li>Problem-solving and communication skills, honed through research
+and teaching roles held in graduate school, as well as holding
+tutorials discussing complex concepts with fellow students and peers
+throughout undergraduate studies and high school.</li>
+<li>Organizational and teamwork skills, strengthened thanks to
+community service in form of volunteer activities including organizing
+the EmacsConf conference and volunteer work for charities such as the
+Free Software Foundation and St. Brigid's Summer Camp.</li>
-<h3>Master of Mathematics (Computer Science) | 2018–present</h3>
-<p>University of Waterloo, Canada</p>
-<p>Supervised by Dr. Nancy Day | GPA: 3.7/4.0 | Expected completion: April 2020</p>
-<p>Research focusing on formal logic, model checking, and verification.</p>
+<dt>Master of Mathematics in Computer Science, University of Waterloo,
+<dd>Research focus: formal logic, model checking, verification</dd>
+<dd>Thesis: <a href="#mmath">A Comprehensive Study of Declarative
+Modelling Languages</a></dd>
+<dd>Supervisor: <a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~nday/">Prof. Nancy
+A. Day</a></dd>
+<dd>GPA: 3.7/4.0</dd>
+<dt>Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science, York
+University, 2017</dt>
+<dd>Favourite courses: System Specification &amp; Refinement, Software
+Requirements Engineering, Software Design, Operating Systems,
+Computational Complexity, Design &amp; Analysis of Algorithms</dd>
+<dd>GPA: 7.84/9.0</dd>
+<h2 id="research">Research Interests</h2>
+formal logic, model checking, theorem proving, verification
+<h2 id="publications">Publications &amp; Presentations</h2>
+<p>The complete bibliography of my publications is available as
+a <a href="bandali.bib">bandali.bib</a>
+<span class="tex">B<span>ib</span>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> bibliography
-<h3>B.Sc. Honours Computer Science | 2013–2017</h3>
-<p>York University, Toronto, Canada</p>
-<p>GPA: 7.84/9.0</p><p>Relevant courses: System Specification &amp;
-Refinement, Software Requirements Eng., Software Design, Operating
-Systems, Computational Complexity, Design &amp; Analysis of Algorithms.</p>
-<p>Finished first year (2013-14) at <em>Carleton University</em> with
-a GPA of 11.0/12.0, then transferred to <em>York University</em> in
-Fall 2014.</p>
+<dt>A Comparison of the Declarative Modelling Languages B, DASH, and
+[ <a href="https://p.bndl.org/modre2018-declarative.pdf">pdf</a>
+| <a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~nday/artifacts/2018-modre/">models</a>
+Ali Abbassi, <a href="https://bndl.org">Amin Bandali</a>,
+<a href="https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~nday/">Nancy A. Day</a>, Jose Serna<br />
+<em>8th IEEE International Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Workshop, MoDRE@RE 2018</em><br />
+Copyright &copy; 2018 IEEE.  All Rights Reserved.  Sadly.
-<p>Listed on my <a href="/#papers">homepage</a></p>
+<dt id="mmath">A Comprehensive Study of Declarative Modelling
+[ <a href="https://p.bndl.org/bandali-mmath-thesis.pdf">pdf</a>
+| <a href="https://hdl.handle.net/10012/16059">hdl</a>
+| <a href="https://bndl.org/mmath.html">http</a>
+<a href="https://bndl.org">Amin Bandali</a><br />
+<em><abbr title="Master of Mathematics">MMath</abbr> Thesis,
+University of Waterloo, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science,
+July 2020.</em>
+<dt>Jami and how it empowers users
+[ <a href="https://p.bndl.org/bandali-jami-libreplanet-2021.pdf">pdf</a>
+(<a href="https://p.bndl.org/bandali-jami-libreplanet-2021-with-notes.pdf">with
+| <a href="https://bndl.org/libreplanet-2021.html">http</a>
+<a href="https://bndl.org">Amin Bandali</a><br />
+<em>Presented at the LibrePlanet 2021 Conference, March 20, 2021.</em>
+<dt>The Magic of Specifications and Type Systems
+[ <a href="https://p.bndl.org/cucsc-2017-slides.pdf">slides</a>
+| <a href="https://p.bndl.org/eecs4080-poster.pdf">poster</a>
+<a href="https://bndl.org">Amin Bandali</a>,
+<a href="https://github.com/cipher1024">Simon Hudon</a>,
+<a href="https://www.eecs.yorku.ca/~jonathan/">Jonathan S. Ostroff</a><br />
+<em>Slides presented at the Canadian Undergraduate Computer Science
+Conference 2017, University of Toronto, Canada, June 15&ndash;17, 2017.<br />
+Poster presented at the Lassonde Undergraduate Summer Student Research
+Conference, York University, Toronto, Canada, August 15, 2017.</em>
+<dt>Introducing YULUG</dt>
+<a href="https://bndl.org">Amin Bandali</a><br />
+<em>Slides introducing YULUG &mdash; (GNU/)Linux User Group at York
+University &mdash; presented at a Computing Students Hub (CSHub) tech
+talk at York University, Toronto, Canada, February 12, 2015.</em>
 <h2>Work &amp; Research Experience</h2>
-<h3>Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo | 2018–present</h3>
-<p>Instructional Apprentice, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant</p>
+<dt>Savoir-faire Linux</dt>
+<dd>fall 2020&ndash;present | Free Software Consultant | Consultant en
+logiciel libre</dd>
+<dd>I am part of the Jami core development team at Savoir-faire Linux,
+where I work on various parts of Jami as a Free Software Consultant.
+These include working on and maintaining the GTK+-based jami-gnome
+client application written in C++ and C, and packaging Jami for
+various GNU/Linux distributions and other platforms.  I also serve as
+a community liaison between the Jami core team and the wider free
+software community around Jami, with the goal of helping facilitate
+the communications and relations between the two.</dd>
-<li><abbr title="Logic and Computation">SE 212</abbr>:
-<a href="se212-f19/"><abbr title="Instructional Apprentice">IA</abbr> in Fall 2019</a>,
-<abbr title="Teaching Assistant">TA</abbr> in Fall 2018</li>
-<li><abbr title="Software Requirements Specification and Analysis">SE 463</abbr>:
-TA in Summer 2019 and 2018</li>
-<li><abbr title="Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction">CS 136</abbr>:
-TA in Winter 2018</li>
+<dt>Free Software Foundation (FSF)</dt>
+<dd>spring 2020 | Intern</dd>
+<dd>Working with the FSF tech team in a sysadmin role on a variety of
+tasks including installation of the Sourcehut free software forge on
+the FSF infrastructure for evaluation for the FSF forge project, as
+well as a series of enhancements
+for <a href="https://www.gnu.org">www.gnu.org</a>.</dd>
+<dt>Cheriton School of Science, University of Waterloo</dt>
+<dd>winter 2018&ndash;spring 2020 | TA, IA, RA <sup>[*]</sup></dd>
+<dd>SE 465 (Software Testing and Quality Assurance): TA in winter
+<dd>SE 212 (Logic and Computation): <a href="se212-f19.html">IA in
+Fall 2019</a>, TA in fall 2018</dd>
+<dd>SE 463 (Software Requirement Specification and Analysis): TA in
+spring 2019 and 2018</dd>
+<dd>CS 136 (Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction): TA in
+winter 2018</dd>
+<dd><small>[*]: Teaching Assistant (marking exams and assignments),
+Instructional Apprentice (holding tutorials and marking), Research
+Assistant (doing research for/with supervisor)</small></dd>
+<dt>Department of Electrical Engineering &amp; Computer Science, York
+<dd>fall 2017 | Teaching Assistant</dd>
+<dd>EECS 1012 (Net-Centric Introduction to Computing): TA in fall
+2017, running labs and marking labs and exams</dd>
+<dt>Software Engineering Lab, York University</dt>
+<dt>summer 2017 | Research Assistant</dt>
+<dd>Worked on an implementation
+of <a href="https://bertrandmeyer.com/2014/12/07/lampsort/">Lampsort</a>
+in Eiffel.  Extended
+the <a href="https://svn.eecs.yorku.ca/repos/sel-open/mathmodels/">mathmodels</a>
+library, implementing a <code>rational</code> class for working with
+arbitrarily large rational numbers.</dd>
+<dt>summer 2016 | Research Student</dt>
+<dd>Worked on <em>Literate Unit-B</em>, the verifier for Unit-B, a
+new formal method focused on formal verification of reactive,
+concurrent and distributed systems.  From the Literate Unit-B codebase
+(written in Haskell), decoupled the logic module and used it to build
+<em>Unit-B Web</em>, a web interface using Literate Unit-B to do
+predicate calculus proofs.  Unit-B Web, also written in Haskell,
+supports the <span class="tex">L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>
+syntax of the Unit-B logic, renders user input on the page, and calls
+the sequent prover of the logic module, which uses the Z3 SMT solver
+to check the validity of user input.</dd>
+<dd>Separated Literate Unit-B's type checker from its parser in a
+large refactoring, allowing easier substitution of other type checking
+algorithms, and in preparation for implementing subtyping.</dd>
+<dt>Lotek Wireless Inc.</dt>
+<dt>summer 2016 | Software Developer</dt>
+<dd>Designed and developed an Employee Portal web application in C#
+and the MVC framework, used by employees for accessing various data
+catalogs and archives.</dd>
+<dt>summer 2015 | Software Developer</dt>
+<dd>Designed and implemented various applications in C# and C for
+analyzing and testing a satellite pass prediction algorithm for
+predicting the pass windows of Argos satellites, for scheduling send
+times of data collected by the company's wildlife tracking
+<dt>Athlete Builder</dt>
+<dt>2013&ndash;2014 | Software Developer</dt>
+<dd>Developed the Backend of Athlete Builder platform in C# and
+<dd>Key role in development of the platform core.</dd>
+<dd>Developed the alpha version of Athlete Builder Android application
+in Java.</dd>
+<dt>Programming languages</dt>
+<dd>C, C++, Haskell, Emacs Lisp, Guile Scheme, Python, Eiffel, Bash,
+C#, Java, JavaScript</dd>
+<dd>GNU Emacs, Git, Alloy, TLA<sup>+</sup>,
+ProB, <span class="tex">L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>, continuous
+integration systems</dd>
+<dd>GNU/Linux distributions, including Trisquel, GNU Guix, Debian</dd>
+<dd>Persian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French (beginner)</dd>
-<h3><abbr title="Electrical Engineering &amp; Computer Science">EECS</abbr>
-Department, York University | Fall 2017</h3>
-<p>Teaching Assistant</p>
-<p><abbr title="Net-Centric Introduction to Computing">EECS 1012</abbr>:
-TA in Fall 2017</p>
-<!--# include virtual="/ssi/post.html" -->
+<h2>Community Service</h2>
+<dt>EmacsConf conference</dt>
+<dd>Chief organizer and maintainer of conference infrastructure,
+including the streaming servers.</dd>
+<dd>One of the organizers and in charge of setting up and maintaining
+vital pieces of infrastructure.</dd>
+<dt>Computer Science Club (CSC) of the University of Waterloo</dt>
+<dd>Served as the CSC System Administrator in Winter and Spring 2020.
+Present member of the CSC Systems Committee, overseeing and
+maintaining a large fleet of GNU/Linux servers for CSC members, as
+well as running the CSC mirror for free software projects.</dd>
+<dd>Notable projects
+include <a href="https://mailman.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/pipermail/csc-general/2020-July/000837.html">launching
+the CSC web IRC client</a> as part of an effort in bringing modern
+user freedom- and privacy-respecting communication tools to club
+<dt>Free/libre software contributions</dt>
+of <a href="https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/gnuzilla.html">GNUzilla
+and IceCat</a>, the GNU version of the Mozilla suite and the Firefox
+browser respectively.</dd>
+of <a href="https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/erc.html">ERC</a>, the
+powerful, modular, and extensible IRC client distributed with GNU
+<dd>Committer and regular contributor
+to <a href="https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html">GNU
+Emacs</a> and <a href="https://guix.gnu.org">GNU Guix</a>.</dd>
+<dd><a href="https://www.gnu.org/people/webmeisters.html#bandali">GNU
+and <a href="https://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SavannahHacker/">GNU
+Savannah hacker</a>.</dd>
+<dt>Volunteer work</dt>
+<dt>spring 2013 | Application Developer for VONICAL Inc.</dt>
+<dd>Worked on development of the Employment Accessibility Resource
+Network (EARN) portal using the Anahita social networking platform,
+written in PHP and running on GNU/Linux.</dd>
+<dt>winter 2013 | Mobile &amp; Web Developer for Hire Works Inc.</dt>
+<dd>Worked on a variety of web and mobile development projects for
+Hire Works.</dd>
+<dt>summer 2012 | Web Developer for St. Brigid's Summer Camp</dt>
+<dd>Redesigned and revamped the codebase for the photo gallery section
+of the camp's website in PHP and JavaScript.</dd>