update (file-) Local Variables for latest ox-hugo
[~bandali/bndl.org] / content / projects.md
1 +++
2 title = "Projects"
3 date = 2019-01-02T00:32:00-05:00
4 draft = false
5 [menu.topnav]
6 identifier = "projects"
7 weight = 30
8 +++
10 This page is simply a placeholder to generate a menu item, and my
11 server routes this request to cgit.
13 That said, if you _are_ seeing this page, then something has gone
14 wrong; please do get in touch with me!
16 [//]: # "Exported with love from a post written in Org mode"
17 [//]: # "- https://ox-hugo.scripter.co"