[emacs] update 4 drones
[~bandali/configs] / init.org
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] delete old backups automatically
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] call compile after async tangle, auto-close...
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] automatically tangle init.org on save
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] add crux-top-join-line bindings (à la evil...
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] C-l eshell clear binding and magit-dispatch...
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate shell-pop
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate helpful and its deps, and add bindings
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate shackle and add a few useful popup...
2018-08-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] have C-d quit eshell on empty prompt input
2018-08-24 Amin Bandali[emacs] add borg-nix-shell and use it to build notmuch...
2018-08-24 Amin Bandali[emacs/notmuch] remove the g common binding and use...
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs/notmuch] [re-]add a couple of bindings
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] minor changes
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] use-package projectile
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] use the standard C-c as my prefix, instead...
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] remove evil; back to using vanilla emacs
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] work around org source block indentation issue...
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs][wip] adapt to evil-collection-notmuch bindings etc
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] further evil-related enhancements
2018-08-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] switch back to evil
2018-08-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] change my conventions prefix from ab to amin
2018-08-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] remove Org html export related stuff
2018-08-18 Amin Bandali[emacs/notmuch] bind "e" in notmuch-hello-mode-map
2018-08-18 Amin Bandali[emacs] disable time and battery on modeline
2018-08-17 Amin Bandali[emacs,rc] update my gnu address
2018-08-04 Amin Bandali[emacs,rc] add my new gnu address
2018-07-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] remove key-seq and only use key-chord, decrease...
2018-07-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] add "jk" key sequence using key-seq (uses key...
2018-07-23 Amin Bandali[emacs] add more ryo bindings, including some for borg...
2018-07-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] adjust my preferred undo mechanism
2018-07-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] add more bindings, from the awesome crux and...
2018-07-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] enable auto-revert and always use 4 spaces...
2018-07-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] more bindings
2018-07-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] add more ryo-modal bindings
2018-07-22 Amin Bandali[emacs] ditch evil in favour of ryo-modal
2018-07-19 Amin Bandali[emacs] set name, email address, and message fqdn
2018-07-19 Amin Bandali[{emacs,rc}/notmuch] add `latest' tag for newest batch...
2018-07-17 Amin Bandali[emacs] add scaffolding for ox-hugo
2018-07-17 Amin Bandali[emacs/notmuch] set notmuch-message-headers and add...
2018-07-16 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate org (from source)
2018-07-15 Amin Bandali[emacs] add and switch to eink theme
2018-07-15 Amin Bandali[emacs/notmuch] don't insert the two blank lines in...
2018-07-15 Amin Bandali[emacs/supercite] add jwiegley's supercite config as...
2018-07-15 Amin Bandali[emacs/org] modern html5 export
2018-07-07 Amin Bandali[emacs/notmuch] display more characters of authors
2018-07-07 Amin Bandali[emacs] add some header links
2018-07-07 Amin Bandali[emacs] remove vestigial EXWM configuration
2018-07-07 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate doom-modeline and tao-theme (and...
2018-07-06 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate Proof General (for Coq)
2018-07-06 Amin Bandali[emacs/alloy-mode] use indentation offset of 2 (instead...
2018-07-05 Amin Bandali[emacs] add alloy-mode
2018-06-27 Amin Bandali[emacs] some convenience bindings
2018-06-27 Amin Bandali[emacs] org: export html5, add htmlize for syntax highl...
2018-06-24 Amin Bandali[emacs] add evil{,-escape} and general and some keybindings
2018-06-20 Amin Bandali[emacs] change message fqdn, remove webmasters tag...
2018-05-13 Amin Bandali[emacs] don't enable multiple themes at the same time
2018-05-13 Amin Bandali[emacs] properly build and use notmuch along with my...
2018-05-07 Amin Bandali[emacs] enable company-mode globally
2018-05-07 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate and enable dante and its dependency...
2018-05-06 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate and enable which-key
2018-05-06 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate flycheck-haskell
2018-05-06 Amin Bandali[emacs] add flycheck's missing deps (pkg-info & epl...
2018-05-05 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate hlint-refactor
2018-05-05 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate haskell-mode
2018-05-03 Amin Bandali[emacs] tangle init.org before bootstrapping
2018-05-03 Amin Bandali[emacs] further refine my Emacs' unicode font stack
2018-05-03 Amin Bandali[emacs] remove duplicate post-init message and shorten...
2018-05-03 Amin Bandali[emacs] disable EXWM
2018-05-01 Amin Bandali[emacs] experiment with EXWM and key bindings
2018-05-01 Amin Bandali[emacs/ivy] allow wrapping around on first and last...
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] unicode font stack around Ubuntu Mono and Hack
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate lean-mode and dependencies
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] disable C-{j,k} bindings in ivy-minibuffer...
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] stop using EXWM's default config and customize...
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] display time and battery in mode-line
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] use fringe-mode with default width
2018-04-30 Amin Bandali[emacs] more background info
2018-04-30 Amin Bandaliadd some documentation
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[emacs] assimilate and enable EXWM
2018-04-28 Amin Bandali[emacs] enable Ivy and friends
2018-04-28 Amin Bandali[emacs] enable exec-path-from-shell
2018-04-28 Amin Bandali[emacs] fix post initialization TOC link on GitHub
2018-04-28 Amin Bandali[emacs] add Borg's layer/essentials init, with some...