+\section*{Summary of Qualifications}
+%% \begin{enumerate}[label=\raisebox{-0.25ex}{\textbullet}]
+\item Experience with building software in diverse areas and for
+ various platforms, including GNU/Linux and Windows.
+\item Passionate about applying scientific and engineering methods
+ while designing and building software systems.
+\item Using formal specification techniques to find
+ specification-level bugs early in the design stage rather than
+ implementation.
+\item GNU/Linux system administration on both the client and the
+ server side.
+\item Problem-solving and communication skills, honed through research
+ and teaching roles held in graduate school, as well as holding
+ tutorials discussing complex concepts with fellow students and peers
+ throughout undergraduate studies and high school.
+\item Organizational and teamwork skills, strengthened thanks to
+ community service in form of volunteer activities including
+ organizing the EmacsConf conference and volunteer work for charities
+ such as the Free Software Foundation and St.~Brigid's Summer Camp.
+%% \end{enumerate}