%% cv.tex
-%% Copyright 2016 Amin Bandali <amin@aminb.org>
+%% Copyright 2016-2017 Amin Bandali <amin@aminb.org>
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\def\name{Amin Bandali}
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- pdfkeywords = {Programming Languages, Haskell, Rust, Formal Methods, Type
- Systems, Proof Systems, Automated Provers},
+ pdfkeywords = {Programming Languages, Functional Programming, Haskell, Rust,
+ Formal Methods, Type Systems, Proof Systems, Automated Provers},
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Email: \href{mailto:amin9@my.yorku.ca}{amin9@my.yorku.ca} \\
- Homepage: \href{https://aminb.org}{https://aminb.org} \\
+ Site: \href{https://aminb.org}{https://aminb.org} \\
Phone: available upon request
-\section*{Research Interests}
-\item Functional Programming and functional languages
-\item Formal methods, especially type systems, proof systems, and automated
- provers
-\item Verification, Haskell, and Rust
\textit{York University}, Toronto, Canada
- \item GPA: 7.9/9.0
- \item Expected completion: December 2017
+ \item Expected completion: December 2017 \hspace{-.15em} | \hspace{-.15em}
+ GPA: 7.9/9.0
\item Relevant courses: System Specification \amper\
- Refinement, Operating System Design, Computational Complexity, Artificial
- Intelligence \amper\ Logic Programming, Design \amper\ Analysis of
- Algorithms.
+ Refinement, Software Requirements Eng., Software Design, Operating
+ Systems, Computational Complexity, Design \amper\ Analysis of Algorithms.
\item Finished first year (2013-14) at \textit{Carleton University} with a GPA
- of 11.0/12.0 then transferred to \textit{York University} in Fall 2014.
+ of 11.0/12.0, then transferred to \textit{York University} in Fall 2014.
-\item {\large High School Diploma}\, |\, {\small 2013}
+%% \item {\large High School Diploma}\, |\, {\small 2013}
- \textit{Glebe Collegiate Institute}, Ottawa, Canada
+%% \textit{Glebe Collegiate Institute}, Ottawa, Canada
- \hspace{1.3em} Average: 94.3\%
+%% \hspace{1.3em} Average: 94.3\%
+\section*{Research Interests}
+\item Functional programming and functional languages.
+\item Formal methods, especially type systems, proof systems, and interactive
+ provers.
+\item Verification, Haskell, and Rust.
\section*{Research Experience}
-\item {\large Software Engineering Lab, } York University\, |\, {\small summer 2016}
+\item {\large Software Engineering Lab, } York University\, |\, {\small summer
+ 2017}
+ \textit{Research Assistant}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item I'm working on expanding and testing \texttt{mathmodels},
+ library implementing abstract mathematical collections written in Eiffel.
+ I'll also be modeling various pieces of software in $\textrm{TLA}^+$.
+ \end{itemize}
+\item {\large Software Engineering Lab, } York University\, |\, {\small summer
+ 2016}
\textit{Research Student}
- \item Semester project: As an undergraduate research student, I
- worked on \textit{Literate Unit-B}, the verifier for Unit-B, a new
- formal method focused on formal verification of reactive, concurrent
- and distributed systems.
+ \item As an undergraduate research student, I worked on \textit{Literate
+ Unit-B}, the verifier for Unit-B, a new formal method focused on formal
+ verification of reactive, concurrent and distributed systems.
From the Literate Unit-B codebase (written in Haskell), I decoupled the
logic module and used it to build \textit{Unit-B Web}, a web interface using
Literate Unit-B to do predicate calculus proofs. \linebreak Unit-B Web, also
written in Haskell, supports the \LaTeX\ syntax of the Unit-B logic, renders
- user input on the page, and calls the sequent prover of the logic
- module, which uses the Z3 SMT solver to check the validity of user
- input.
+ user input on the page, and calls the sequent prover of the logic module,
+ which uses the \textsc{z3 smt} solver to check the validity of user input.
+ \item Further, I separated Literate Unit-B's type checker from its parser,
+ allowing easier substitution of other type checking algorithms and in
+ preparation for implementing subtyping.
+ \end{itemize}
+\section*{Conference Presentations}
+\item {\large \tallnums CUCSC 2017}
- \item Volunteer work: I'm currently working on implementing subtyping for
- Literate Unit-B.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item {\largersans The Magic of Specifications and Type Systems}
+ (\href{https://static.aminb.org/cucsc-2017-slides.pdf}{slides}),
+ at Canadian Undergraduate Computer Science Conference, University of
+ Toronto, Canada, Jun 15--17 2017.
+\item {\large \tallnums Lassonde USSR Conference 2017}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item {\largersans The Magic of Specifications and Type Systems}
+ (\href{https://static.aminb.org/eecs4080-poster.pdf}{poster}),
+ at Lassonde Undergraduate Summer Student Research Conference, York University,
+ Toronto, Canada, August 15, 2017.
\section*{Professional Experience}
\item {\large Lotek Wireless Inc., } Newmarket, Canada\, |\, {\small 2015--2016}
Source code available at
-\item \textit{tex2png-hs:} A tool for easily converting \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ to PNG
- images. \verb#tex2png-hs# is a Haskell port of Xyne's \verb#tex2png# tool. It
- is a wrapper around \verb#latex# and \verb#dvipng# and provides several
- options for modifying its behaviour, such as cropping the whitespace around
- the content, specifying the DPI, or inputting a full document.\\
+\item \textit{tex2png-hs:} A tool for easily converting \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ to
+ \textsc{PNG} images. \texttt{tex2png-hs} is a Haskell port of Xyne's
+ \texttt{tex2png} tool. It is a wrapper around \texttt{latex} and
+ \texttt{dvipng} and provides several options for modifying its behaviour, such
+ as cropping the whitespace around the content, specifying the \textsc{DPI}, or
+ inputting a full document.
Source code available at
-\item \textit{Programming Languages:} Haskell, Rust, Python, C, Emacs Lisp,
- \LaTeX, C\#, Java, JavaScript.
+\item \textit{Programming Languages:} Haskell, Rust, Eiffel, Python, C, Emacs
+ Lisp, C\#, JavaScript.
+\item \textit{Tools:} Emacs, Liquid Haskell, Git, Zsh, \LaTeX, CI Systems
+ (e.g. Travis CI), Rodin.
\item \textit{Platforms:} Arch Linux, Ubuntu and other distros, Android, macOS,
-\item \textit{Tools:} Emacs, Git, Zsh, CI Systems (e.g. Travis CI),
- Rodin, SQL DBs.
\item \textit{Languages:} Persian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French