add static se212-f19 page
[~bandali/] / haunt.scm
... / ...
1(use-modules (haunt asset)
2 (haunt builder blog)
3 (haunt builder atom)
4 (haunt builder assets)
5 (haunt builder rss)
6 (haunt html)
7 (haunt page)
8 (haunt post)
9 (haunt reader commonmark)
10 (haunt site)
11 (haunt utils)
12 (ice-9 match)
13 (srfi srfi-19))
15(define my-scheme 'https)
16(define my-domain "")
17(define my-url
18 (string-append (symbol->string my-scheme) "://" my-domain))
20(define (stylesheet name)
21 `(link (@ (rel "stylesheet")
22 (href ,(string-append "/" name ".css")))))
24(define* (aa content #:optional (uri content) . title)
25 `(a (@ (href ,uri) (title ,(apply string-append title))) ,content))
27(define* (base-layout site body #:key title)
28 `((doctype "html")
29 (html
30 (head
31 (meta (@ (charset "utf-8")))
32 (title ,(if title (string-append title " — " (site-title site))
33 "Amin Bandali’s Personal Site"))
34 ,(stylesheet "reset")
35 ,(stylesheet "style"))
36 (body
37 (main ,body)
38 (footer
39 (p
40 "Copyright 2016–2019 Amin Bandali. See " ,(aa "license.html")
41 " for license conditions. Please copy and share."))))))
43(define my-date-format "~B ~d, ~Y")
45(define (my-post-template post)
46 `((header
47 (h1 ,(post-ref post 'title))
48 (address "By " ,(aa (post-ref post 'author) "/")
49 " <" ,(post-ref post 'email) ">")
50 (p (@ (class "date"))
51 ,(date->string (post-date post) my-date-format)))
52 ,(post-sxml post)
53 (p (@ (class "muted inbox"))
54 "Have a question or comment? Start a discussion in my "
55 ,(aa "public inbox" "")
56 " by sending an email to "
57 ,(aa "~bandali/"
58 "mailto:~bandali/")
59 (small
60 " [" ,(aa "mailing list etiquette"
61 "") "]")
62 ".")))
64(define (my-collection-template site title posts prefix)
65 (define (post-uri post)
66 (string-append (or prefix "") "/"
67 (site-post-slug site post) ".html"))
69 `((h3 ,title)
70 (ul
71 ,@(map (lambda (post)
72 `(li
73 ,(aa (post-ref post 'title) (post-uri post))
74 " — "
75 ,(date->string (post-date post) my-date-format)))
76 posts))))
78(define bandali-theme
79 (theme #:name "bandali"
80 #:layout
81 (lambda (site title body)
82 (base-layout site body
83 #:title title))
84 #:post-template my-post-template
85 #:collection-template my-collection-template))
87(define (static-page title file-name body)
88 (lambda (site posts)
89 (make-page file-name
90 (with-layout bandali-theme site title body)
91 sxml->html)))
93(define (index-material site posts)
94 `(div
95 (h1 (@ (style "font-size: 0;"))
96 "Amin Bandali")
97 (p (@ (style "margin-top: 0;"))
98 "Hi, I’m "
99 ,(aa "Amin Bandali" "images/bandali-with-rms.jpg"
100 "photo of bandali with rms wearing a "
101 "“pay cash don’t be tracked” pin")
102 ". I’m a graduate student at "
103 ,(aa "WatForm" "")
104 " at University of Waterloo, supervised by "
105 ,(aa "Dr. Nancy Day" "")
106 ". The main goal of my research is improving "
107 (strong "software and systems reliability")
108 " through application of " (em "formal methods") ".")
109 (p "My research at WatForm focuses on formal logic, model "
110 "checking, and verification. I’m also interested in "
111 "programming languages, theorem provers, and their "
112 "type systems. You may wish to view my academic "
113 ,(aa "curriculum vitae" "bandali-cv.html") ".")
114 (p (@ (class "notice"))
115 (strong "SE 212 students: ")
116 "see " ,(aa "here" "se212-f19/") " for slides and other "
117 "material from the tutorials.")
118 (p "On the side, I dabble in "
119 ,(aa "Lean" "") " and enjoy "
120 ,(aa "hacking" "")
121 " on "
122 ,(aa "Elisp"
123 "")
124 ". I’m a " ,(aa "Free Software"
125 "")
126 " activist, a GNU "
127 ,(aa "maintainer" "")
128 " and "
129 ,(aa "webmaster"
130 "")
131 ", and an " ,(aa "associate member"
132 "")
133 " of the " ,(aa "FSF" "https:///"
134 "Free Software Foundation")
135 ". I co-host the " ,(aa "Emacs.el" "")
136 " podcast with " ,(aa "Daniel Gopar" "")
137 ", and organize " ,(aa "EmacsConf" "")
138 " with help from many wonderful people. I am also a member of"
139 " the Systems Committee for the "
140 ,(aa "CSC" ""
141 "Computer Science Club of the University of Waterloo")
142 ".")
143 (p "See my " ,(aa "contact" "contact.html") " page for how to "
144 "best reach me.")
145 (h2 (@ (id "papers")) "Papers")
146 (dl
147 (dt "A Comparison of the Declarative Modelling Languages B, DASH,
148 and TLA" (sup "+")
149 (small
150 " [ " ,(aa "pdf" "papers/modre2018-declarative.pdf") " | "
151 ,(aa "bib" "papers/modre2018-declarative.bib") " ]"))
152 (dd "Ali Abbassi, "
153 ,(aa "Amin Bandali" my-url) ", "
154 ,(aa "Nancy A. Day" "") ", "
155 "Jose Serna"
156 (br)
157 (em "2018 IEEE 8th International Model-Driven Requirements"
158 " Engineering Workshop (MoDRE)")
159 (br)
160 "Copyright © 2018 IEEE. All Rights Reserved. Sadly."))
161 (h2 (@ (id "talks")) "Talks")
162 (dl
163 (dt
164 "The Magic of Specifications and Type Systems"
165 (small
166 " [ "
167 ,(aa "slides" "talks/cucsc-2017-slides.pdf"
168 "presented at the Canadian Undergraduate Computer Science"
169 " Conference 2017,\n"
170 "University of Toronto, Canada, June 15–17, 2017")
171 " | "
172 ,(aa "poster" "talks/eecs4080-poster.pdf"
173 "presented at the Lassonde Undergraduate Summer Student"
174 " Research Conference,\n"
175 "York University, Toronto, Canada, August 15, 2017")
176 " ]"))
177 (dd ,(aa "Amin Bandali" my-url) ", "
178 ,(aa "Simon Hudon" "") ", "
179 ,(aa "Jonathan S. Ostroff"
180 "")))
181 (h2 (@ (id "projects")) "Projects")
182 (p "Below are a number of free software projects I have worked "
183 "on:")
184 (dl
185 (dt ,(aa "george-mode" ""))
186 (dd "Emacs major mode for editing George files")
187 (dt ,(aa "alloy-catalyst"
188 ""))
189 (dd "Framework for performance analysis of Alloy models")
190 (dt ,(aa "unitb-web" ""))
191 (dd "Web interface for Unit-B")
192 (dt ,(aa "tex2png-hs" ""))
193 (dd "Library and CLI for converting TeX and LaTeX to PNG "
194 "images"))
195 (h2 (@ (id "notes")) "Notes")
196 (table
197 (@ (class "post-list"))
198 (tbody
199 ,@(map
200 (lambda (post)
201 (define (post-uri post)
202 (string-append "/"
203 (site-post-slug site post) ".html"))
204 `(tr
205 (td ,(aa (post-ref post 'title) (post-uri post)))
206 (td (@ (style "font-size: 0.875em;"))
207 ,(date->string (post-date post) my-date-format))))
208 (take-up-to 10 (posts/reverse-chronological posts)))))))
210(define (index-page site posts)
211 (make-page
212 "index.html"
213 (base-layout site (index-material site posts))
214 sxml->html))
216(define license-page
217 (static-page
218 "Licensing Information"
219 "license.html"
220 `((h1 "License information for " ,my-domain)
221 (p "I strongly believe in "
222 ,(aa "free culture"
223 "")
224 " and that all creative works everywhere should be "
225 ,(aa "free" "") ".")
226 (p "Unless otherwise noted material on this site is licensed "
227 "under the GNU General Public License as published by the "
228 "Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, "
229 "or (at your option) any later version. A copy of the "
230 "license is included at " ,(aa "gpl-3.0.html") ".")
231 (p "Some resources on free software and licenses:")
232 (ul
233 (li ,(aa "What is free software?"
234 ""))
235 (li ,(aa "Various Licenses and Comments about Them"
236 ""))
237 (li ,(aa "Proprietary Software Is Often Malware"
238 ""))))))
240(define contact-page
241 (static-page
242 "Contact Information"
243 "contact.html"
244 `((h1 "Contact information")
245 (p "Email is by far my preferred method of communication. I may"
246 " be contacted at any of the following addresses (choose the"
247 " most closely related):")
248 (ul
249 (li "")
250 (li "")
251 (li ""))
252 (p "If you want to send me GPG-encrypted mail, you can use my "
253 ,(aa "public key" "bandali-pubkey.txt") " with the"
254 " fingerprint "
255 (code "BE62 7373 8E61 6D6D 1B3A 08E8 A21A 0202 4881 6103")
256 ".")
257 (table
258 (tbody
259 (tr
260 (td "IRC")
261 (td "bandali on " ,(aa "freenode" "") ", "
262 ,(aa "moznet" "") ", and "
263 ,(aa "oftc" "")))
264 (tr
265 (td "XMPP")
266 (td ,(aa ""
267 "")))
268 (tr
269 (td "Matrix")
270 (td ,(aa ""
271 "")))
272 (tr
273 (td "Fediverse")
274 (td ,(aa ""
275 "")))))
276 (h2 "Elsewhere")
277 (p "You may also find me at a few other places online. Stricken"
278 " through accounts are those I don’t use anymore, unless"
279 " absolutely necessary.")
280 (ul
281 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
282 " on LibrePlanet")
283 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
284 " on EmacsConf")
285 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
286 " on Savannah")
287 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
288 " on Sourcehut")
289 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
290 " on Lobsters")
291 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
292 " on Hackage")
293 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
294 " on GitLab")
295 (li ,(aa "bandali"
296 "")
297 " on HN")
298 (li ,(aa "bandali" "")
299 " on reddit")
300 (li (del ,(aa "bandali0" "")
301 " on GitHub"))
302 (li (del ,(aa "bandali0" "")
303 " on Twitter"))))))
305(define cv-page
306 (static-page
307 "Curriculum vitae"
308 "bandali-cv.html"
309 `((h1 "Curriculum vitae (" ,(aa "PDF" "bandali-cv.pdf") ")")
310 (table
311 (tbody
312 (tr
313 (td "Site")
314 (td ,(aa my-domain my-url)))
315 (tr
316 (td "Email")
317 (td ""))
318 (tr
319 (td "Phone")
320 (td "available upon request via email"))))
321 (h2 "Education")
322 (h3 "Master of Mathematics (Computer Science) | 2018–present")
323 (p "University of Waterloo, Canada")
324 (p "Supervised by Dr. Nancy Day | GPA: 3.7/4.0 | "
325 "Expected completion: April 2020")
326 (p "Research focusing on formal logic, model checking, and "
327 "verification.")
328 (h3 "B.Sc. Honours Computer Science | 2013–2017")
329 (p "York University, Toronto, Canada")
330 (p "GPA: 7.84/9.0")
331 (p "Relevant courses: System Specification & Refinement, "
332 "Software Requirements Eng., Software Design, "
333 "Operating Systems, Computational Complexity, "
334 "Design & Analysis of Algorithms.")
335 (p "Finished first year (2013-14) at " (em "Carleton University")
336 " with a GPA of 11.0/12.0, then transferred to "
337 (em "York University") " in Fall 2014.")
338 (h2 "Publications")
339 (p "Listed on my " ,(aa "homepage" "/#papers"))
340 (h2 "Work & Research Experience")
341 (h3 "Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo"
342 " | 2018–present")
343 (p "Instructional Apprentice, Teaching Assistant, "
344 "Research Assistant")
345 (ul
346 (li (abbr (@ (title "Logic and Computation")) "SE 212") ": "
347 (abbr (@ (title "Instructional Apprentice")) "IA") " in "
348 "Fall 2019, "
349 (abbr (@ (title "Teaching Assistant")) "TA") " in "
350 "Fall 2018")
351 (li (abbr (@ (title ,(string-append
352 "Software Requirements Specification and "
353 "Analysis"))) "SE 463")
354 ": TA in Summer 2019 and 2018")
355 (li (abbr (@ (title ,(string-append
356 "Elementary Algorithm Design and "
357 "Data Abstraction"))) "CS 136")
358 ": TA in Winter 2018"))
359 (h3 (abbr (@ (title
360 ,(string-append
361 "Electrical Engineering & Computer Science")))
362 "EECS")
363 " Department, York University | Fall 2017")
364 (p "Teaching Assistant")
365 (p (abbr (@ (title "Net-Centric Introduction to Computing"))
366 "EECS 1012")
367 ": TA in Fall 2017"))))
369(define se212-f19-page
370 (static-page
371 "SE 212 Material"
372 "se212-f19/index.html"
373 `((h1 "Material from SE 212 tutorials")
374 (p "This page contains slides and other material from "
375 ,(aa "SE 212 tutorials"
376 "")
377 " held by me in Fall 2019. "
378 (del "If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions "
379 "about the presented material, please email me at "
380 " or come see me during my "
381 ,(aa "Friday office hours"
382 "")
383 "."))
384 (ul
385 (li "Tutorial 1:"
386 (ul
387 (li ,(aa "TUT 101 slides" "se212-t01-101.pdf"))
388 (li ,(aa "TUT 102 slides" "se212-t01-102.pdf"))
389 (li ,(aa "Org beamer sources" ""))))
390 (li "Tutorial 2:"
391 (ul
392 (li ,(aa "Homework 2 q04d solution"
393 "se212-h02q04d-soln.grg"))))
394 (li "Tutorial 3: —")
395 (li "Tutorial 4: —")
396 (li "Tutorial 5:"
397 (ul
398 (li ,(aa "Slides" "se212-t05.pdf"))
399 (li ,(aa "Org beamer sources" ""))))
400 (li "Tutorial 6: —")
401 (li "Tutorial 7: worked through questions 1–5 of Homework 7")
402 (li "Tutorial 8: —")
403 (li "Tutorial 9: —")
404 (li "Tutorial 10: worked through questions 1–10 of "
405 "Homework 10")))))
407(site #:title "Amin Bandali"
408 ;; TODO: uncomment after new haunt release
409 ;; #:scheme my-scheme
410 #:domain my-domain
411 #:default-metadata
412 '((author . "Amin Bandali")
413 (email . "")
414 (domain . my-domain))
415 #:readers (list commonmark-reader)
416 #:builders (list (blog #:theme bandali-theme
417 #:collections
418 `(("Notes" "notes.html"
419 ,posts/reverse-chronological)))
420 index-page
421 (atom-feed
422 #:file-name "feed.atom")
423 (atom-feeds-by-tag
424 #:prefix "tags")
425 (rss-feed
426 #:file-name "feed.rss")
427 contact-page
428 cv-page
429 license-page
430 se212-f19-page
431 (static-directory "static" "")))