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57 <h1>LibrePlanet 2021: Jami and how it empowers users</h1>
58 <p>by <a href="https://bndl.org"><b>bandali</b></a>
59 on March 20, 2021 <small>(last update: March 21, 2021)
60 (also in <a href="libreplanet-2021.txt">plain text</a>)</small></p>
62 <p>I am giving my very first
63 <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2021/">LibrePlanet</a> talk today on
64 March 20th. I will be talking about
65 <a href="https://jami.net">Jami</a>, the GNU package for universal
66 communication that respects the freedoms and privacy of its users.
67 I'll be giving an introduction to Jami and its architecture, sharing
68 important and exciting development news from the Jami team about
69 <a href="https://jami.net/together-the-new-version-of-jami-and-a-new-step-forward/">rendezvous
70 points</a>, <a href="https://jami.biz/jams-user-guide">JAMS</a>,
71 the <a href="https://jami.net/plugins-sdk">plugin SDK</a>,
72 <a href="https://jami.net/swarm-introducing-a-new-generation-of-group-conversations">Swarm
73 chats</a>, and more; and how these features each help empower users to
74 communicate with their loved ones without sacrificing their privacy or
75 freedom.</p>
77 <p>Here is the abstract for my talk, also available on the
78 <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2021/speakers/#4285">LibrePlanet
79 2021's speakers</a> page:
81 <blockquote>
82 <p>Jami is free software for universal communication that respects the
83 freedoms and privacy of its users. Jami is an official GNU package
84 with a main goal of providing a framework for virtual communications,
85 along with a series of end-user applications for audio/video calling
86 and conferencing, text messaging, and file transfer.</p>
88 <p>With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, working from home has
89 become the norm for many workers around the world. More and more
90 people are using videoconferencing tools to work or communicate with
91 their loved ones. The emergence of these tools has been followed by
92 many questions and scandals concerning the privacy and freedom of
93 users.</p>
95 <p>This talk gives an introduction to Jami, a free/libre, truly
96 distributed, and peer-to-peer solution, and explains why and how it
97 differs from all other existing solutions and how it empowers
98 users.</p>
99 </blockquote>
101 <p>I have been an attendee of LibrePlanet for some years, and am very
102 excited to be giving my first ever talk at LibrePlanet 2021 this year!
103 You can watch my talk and other speakers' talks live this weekend,
104 from the <a href="https://libreplanet.org/2021/live/">LibrePlanet 2021
105 - Live</a> page. Attendance is gratis (no cost), and you can register
106 at <a href="https://u.fsf.org/lp21-sp">https://u.fsf.org/lp21-sp</a>.</p>
108 <p>Presentation slides:
109 <a href="https://p.bndl.org/bandali-jami-libreplanet-2021.pdf">pdf</a>
110 (<a href="https://p.bndl.org/bandali-jami-libreplanet-2021-with-notes.pdf">with notes</a>) |
111 <a href="bandali-bib.html#bandali-jami-libreplanet-2021">bib</a><br/>
113 <span class="tex">L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span> sources:
114 <a href="https://p.bndl.org/bandali-jami-libreplanet-2021.tar.gz">tar.gz</a> |
115 <a href="https://p.bndl.org/bandali-jami-libreplanet-2021.zip">zip</a></p>
117 <p>I hope to see you around this year's all-online LibrePlanet
118 conference this weekend!</p>
120 <p class="box">LibrePlanet is a conference about software freedom,
121 happening March 20 through 21, 2021. The event is hosted by the Free
122 Software Foundation (FSF), and brings together software developers,
123 law and policy experts, activists, students, and computer users to
124 learn skills, celebrate free software accomplishments, and face
125 upcoming challenges. Newcomers are always welcome, and LibrePlanet
126 2021 will feature programming for all ages and experience levels.</p>
128 <hr />
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130 <summary>Copyright &copy; 2021 bandali</summary>
131 <p>Copying and distribution of this file, with or without
132 modification, are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the
133 copyright notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered
134 as-is, without any warranty.</p>
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