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16 <h1><a href=".">bandali</a>'s contact information</h1>
17 <p>Email is by far my preferred method of communication, and you can
18 write to me at For GPG-encrypted mail, you can
19 encrypt your message using my <a href="bandali-pubkey.txt">public
20 key</a> with the following fingerprint:</p>
22 <pre>BE62 7373 8E61 6D6D 1B3A 08E8 A21A 0202 4881 6103</pre>
24 <p>To learn how to send encrypted email, see
25 the <a href="">email
26 self-defense</a> guide by the Free Software Foundation.</p>
28 <p>Besides email, I can also usually be reached via IRC on
29 the <a href="">libera</a>
30 and <a href="">oftc</a> networks, where I idle
31 as <code>bandali</code>. For other means of communication, please
32 send me an email and we can figure something out if needed.</p>
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