+++ /dev/null
-#+macro: topic Propositional Logic
-#+macro: room MC 4040
-#+macro: sec1 SE 212 TUT 101
-#+macro: sec2 SE 212 TUT 102
-#+macro: time1 02:30-03:20W
-#+macro: time2 03:30-04:20W
-#+macro: sec {{{sec2}}}
-#+macro: sectime {{{time2}}}
-#+title: {{{topic}}}
-#+subtitle: ({{{sec}}})
-#+author: Amin Bandali
-#+email: bandali@uwaterloo.ca
-#+date: Wed Sep 11, 2019
-#+language: en
-#+options: email:t num:t toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t
-#+options: tex:t d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc
-#+select_tags: export
-#+exclude_tags: noexport
-#+startup: beamer
-#+latex_class: beamer
-# #+latex_class_options: [bigger]
-#+latex_header: \setbeamercovered{transparent}
-#+latex: \setbeamertemplate{itemize items}[circle]
-#+beamer_color_theme: beaver
-* Are you at the right place?
-We’re in {{{room}}}, for {{{sec}}} ({{{sectime}}})
-#+latex: \definecolor{darkred}{rgb}{0.8,0,0}
-#+latex: {\Large \color{darkred}
-#+latex: }
-#+latex: \vspace{-2.5em}
-#+latex: {\footnotesize
-#+latex: }
-* Tool support
-Over the years, students have developed a number of tools for using
-George and/or editing =.grg= files, such as plugins for Vim and Atom.
-Check them out at
-Course website → George User Manual → Contributions
-* George mode for Emacs (new!)
-- Syntax highlighting + a number of convenience functions
-- Grab it from https://git.sr.ht/~bandali/george-mode \\
- (soon on Contributions page)
-* =a00q01.grg= (demo)
-Walk through answering =a00q01.grg= and submitting on MarkUs
-* Homework 1
-:BEAMER_act: [<+->]
-- Let’s do a couple of questions from Homework 1
-- Now you try the rest, let me know if you have any questions