-SRC := $(filter-out $(wildcard meta_*), $(wildcard *.m4))
-OUTPUTS := $(patsubst %.m4,out/%.html, $(SRC))
-STATIC := $(patsubst static/%,out/%, $(filter-out static/GNUmakefile, $(wildcard static/* static/.*)))
-all: $(OUTPUTS) out/notes.atom out/notes.rss out/style.css out/GNUmakefile $(STATIC)
-out/%.html: %.m4 header.html footer.html
- @mkdir -p $(@D)
- m4 $< > $@
-out/notes.%: meta_feed_%.m4 $(SRC) header.html footer.html
- m4 $< > $@
- sed -i 's|href="/\([^/]\)|href="https://bndl.org/\1|' $@
-out/GNUmakefile: GNUmakefile ; ln -s $(PWD)/$< $@
-$(STATIC): ; ln -s $(PWD)/static/$(@F) $@
-# publications bibliography
-static/publications-partial.html: static/bandali.bib static/bandali-bib-*
-static/publications-partial.html: $(filter-out static/publications-partial.html, $(wildcard static/publications-*))
- $(MAKE) -C $(@D) $(@F)
-out/publications.html: static/publications-partial.html
-out/bandali-bib.html: static/bandali-bib-partial.html
+# GNUmakefile --- GNU Makefile for building my personal site
+# Copyright (c) 2020-2021 bandali
+# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
+# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
+# notice and this notice are preserved. This file is offered as-is,
+# without any warranty.
+gen = perl txt2html < $< > $@
+gen_fa = perl txt2html --lang='fa' < $< > $@
+port := $(if $(port),$(port),8000)
+TXT := $(filter-out bandali-pubkey.txt bandali.txt,$(wildcard *.txt))
+OUT := $(patsubst %.txt,%.html,$(TXT))
+OUT := $(patsubst bandali-%.html,%.html,$(OUT))
+TXT_FA := $(filter-out fa/bandali.fa.txt,$(wildcard fa/*.fa.txt))
+OUT_FA := $(patsubst fa/%.fa.txt,fa/%.html,$(TXT_FA))
+OUT_FA := $(patsubst fa/bandali-%.html,fa/%.html,$(OUT_FA))
+all: $(OUT) $(OUT_FA) index.html fa/index.html
+%.html: bandali-%.txt ; $(gen)
+%.html: %.txt ; $(gen)
+index.html: bandali.txt ; $(gen)
+fa/%.html: fa/bandali-%.fa.txt ; $(gen_fa)
+fa/%.html: fa/%.fa.txt ; $(gen_fa)
+fa/index.html: fa/bandali.fa.txt ; $(gen_fa)