-I'm currently doing my third semester as a [[/uw][graduate student]] in the
-Waterloo Formal Methods group at University of Waterloo. I'm also
-TA'ing [[https://www.student.cs.uwaterloo.ca/~se212/][SE 212: Logic and Computation]], taught by my supervisor, Nancy.
-In my spare time, I write [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html][free software]] (projects page coming soon),
-and tend to various tasks as a GNU webmaster. I've also been picking
-up the guitar, after giving up on my longtime dream of being a
-pianist, at least for now.
+I'm currently a [[/uw][graduate student]] in the Waterloo Formal Methods group
+at University of Waterloo. I just finished my degree’s coursework
+requirements in Fall 2018, and will be focusing on my thesis starting
+this term, Winter 2019.
+In my spare time, I write [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html][free software]] (see my [[/projects][projects]] page), and
+tend to various tasks as a GNU webmaster. I've also been picking up
+the guitar, after giving up on my longtime dream of being a pianist,
+at least for now.