--- /dev/null
+SRC := $(filter-out $(wildcard meta_*), $(wildcard *.m4 fsf-internship/*.m4))
+OUTPUTS := $(patsubst %.m4,out/%.html, $(SRC))
+STATIC := $(patsubst static/%,out/%, $(filter-out static/GNUmakefile, $(wildcard static/* static/.*)))
+all: $(OUTPUTS) out/notes.atom out/notes.rss out/style.css out/GNUmakefile $(STATIC)
+out/%.html: %.m4 header.html footer.html
+ @mkdir -p $(@D)
+ m4 $< > $@
+out/notes.atom: meta_feed_atom.m4 ; m4 $< > $@
+out/notes.rss: meta_feed_rss.m4 ; m4 $< > $@
+out/GNUmakefile: GNUmakefile ; ln -s $(PWD)/$< $@
+$(STATIC): ; ln -s $(PWD)/static/$(@F) $@
+# publications bibliography
+static/publications-partial.html: static/bandali.bib static/bandali-bib-*
+static/publications-partial.html: $(filter-out static/publications-partial.html, $(wildcard static/publications-*))
+ $(MAKE) -C $(@D) $(@F)
+out/publications.html: static/publications-partial.html
+out/bandali-bib.html: static/bandali-bib-partial.html
+ rm -rf out/
+ rsync -avzLP out/ abandali@bndl.org:www/site/
+ ssh abandali@bndl.org mv www/site/.htaccess-www www/.htaccess
+ while true; do \
+ echo $(SRC) header.html footer.html \
+ static/bandali.bib static/bandali-bib-* static/publications-* \
+ GNUmakefile static/GNUmakefile | \
+ tr " " "\n" | entr -d make; done
+.PHONY: deploy watch
+++ /dev/null
-SRC := $(filter-out $(wildcard meta_*), $(wildcard *.m4 fsf-internship/*.m4))
-OUTPUTS := $(patsubst %.m4,out/%.html, $(SRC))
-STATIC := $(patsubst static/%,out/%, $(wildcard static/* static/.*))
-all: $(OUTPUTS) out/notes.atom out/notes.rss out/style.css $(STATIC)
-out/%.html: %.m4 header.html footer.html
- @mkdir -p $(@D)
- m4 $< > $@
-out/notes.atom: meta_feed_atom.m4 ; m4 $< > $@
-out/notes.rss: meta_feed_rss.m4 ; m4 $< > $@
-$(STATIC): ; ln -s $(PWD)/static/$(@F) $@
-# publications bibliography
-static/publications-partial.html: static/bandali.bib static/bandali-bib-*
-static/publications-partial.html: $(filter-out static/publications-partial.html, $(wildcard static/publications-*))
- $(MAKE) -C $(@D) $(@F)
-out/publications.html: static/publications-partial.html
-out/bandali-bib.html: static/bandali-bib-partial.html
- rm -rf out/
- rsync -avzLP out/ abandali@bndl.org:www/site/
- ssh abandali@bndl.org mv www/site/.htaccess-www www/.htaccess
- while true; do \
- echo $(SRC) header.html footer.html \
- static/bandali.bib static/bandali-bib-* static/publications-* \
- Makefile static/Makefile | \
- tr " " "\n" | entr -d make; done
-.PHONY: deploy watch
dnl -*- html -*-
define(__title, `How I do my Computing')dnl
define(__pub, 2019-09-14T12:00:00Z)dnl
-define(__upd, 2020-07-02T12:00:00Z)dnl
+define(__upd, 2020-07-17T12:00:00Z)dnl
define(__id, 2)dnl
-<p>(Inspired by computing pages of
+<p class="box">Inspired by the computing pages of
<a href="//stallman.org/stallman-computing.html">rms</a> and
-<a href="//blog.vimuser.org/leah-computing.html">Leah Rowe</a>)</p>
+<a href="//blog.vimuser.org/leah-computing.html">Leah Rowe</a>.</p>
-<p>My main computer is a <a href="//libreboot.org">librebooted</a>
-ThinkPad X200, and is the machine I use the most. I also own a
-ThinkPad X220T tablet that I occasionally use for reading and
-annotating research papers, and a Dell XPS 15 I use every now and
-again more as a “desktop”.</p>
+<p>My <a href="//libreboot.org">librebooted</a> ThinkPad X200 computer
+is the machine I use the most and where I do most of my computing. I
+also have the privilege of having access to a fleet of servers through
+our school's
+<a href="//csclub.uwaterloo.ca">Computer Science Club</a> that I use
+for some more computationally intensive tasks every now and again, and
+also for hosting this very website.</p>
-<p>I also have the privilege of having access to a fleet of beefy
-servers through our school's
-<a href="//csclub.uwaterloo.ca">Computer Science Club</a>, which I use
-for some heavier computations every now and again.</p>
-<h2>GNU/Linux distros</h2>
-<p>I've used a wide variety of GNU/Linux distributions over the years;
-but as of late, I find myself using
+<h2>GNU/Linux distributions</h2>
+<p>I have used a wide variety of GNU/Linux distros over the years; but
+as of late, I find myself using
<a href="//trisquel.info">Trisquel</a>,
<a href="//guix.gnu.org">Guix System</a>, and
<a href="//www.debian.org">Debian</a> (with no <code>contrib</code> or
-<code>non-free</code>). For the kernel, I mostly use
-<a href="//www.fsfla.org/ikiwiki/selibre/linux-libre/">GNU
-Linux-libre</a>. Guix System comes with GNU Linux-libre out of
-the box, and on Debian-based distros I tend to install it from
+<code>non-free</code>) almost exclusively. For the kernel, I mostly
+use <a href="//www.fsfla.org/ikiwiki/selibre/linux-libre/">GNU
+Linux-libre</a>. Guix System comes with GNU Linux-libre out of the
+box, and on Debian-based distros I tend to install it from
jxself's <a href="//jxself.org/linux-libre/">APT repository</a>.</p>
<h2>Actual computing</h2>
<a href="//www.gnu.org/software/emacs/">GNU Emacs</a>.</p>
<p>TODO: elaborate</p>
-<h2>Cell phone</h2>
-<p>I have an old Nexus 5 I reluctantly use from time to time. It runs
-LineageOS+microG without GApps. Sadly it still requires some blobs
-for functioning. I can't wait for lxo's
-<a href="//www.fsfla.org/ikiwiki/blogs/lxo/pub/0G">0G</a> to become a
-reality fast enough.
-<span class="smly">:-)</span></p>
+<h2 id="colophon">Maintaining this site</h2>
+<p>I took a great amount of inspiration
+from <a href="//technomancy.us/colophon">Phil Hagelberg</a>'s setup.
+The pages of this site are written in plain HTML using GNU Emacs,
+with <a href="//gnu.org/s/m4">GNU M4</a> acting as a full-featured
+template engine.
+A <a href="/GNUmakefile"><code>GNUmakefile</code></a> provides
+convenient <code>make</code> rules to build and publish the site. The
+bibliography of my <a href="/publications">publications</a> is
+generated from <a href="/bandali.bib"><code>bandali.bib</code></a>
+using <a href="//www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html/">bibtex2html</a>,
+and further processed and put together
+using <a href="//gnu.org/s/sed">GNU sed</a> and another
+<code>GNUmakefile</code>. The git repository containing all the
+sources used to build this site is
+available <a href="//git.emacsconf.org/bandali/site">here</a>.</p>
define(__copy, `2019, 2020')dnl
`ifdef(`__feed_rss', `</description></item>',
`<p class="muted inbox">Got a question or comment? You can find my
-email address on my <a href="/contact">contact</a> page.
-<span class="smly">:-)</span></p>
+email address on my <a href="/contact">contact</a> page. __smly</p>
_put(`notes', 3, `fsf-internship/intro')dnl
define(__latex, `<span class="t-logo">L<sup>a</sup>T<sub>e</sub>X</span>')dnl
+define(__smly, `<span class="smly">:-)</span>')dnl
--- /dev/null
+publications-partial.html: bandali.bib bandali-bib-*.txt
+ bibtex2html --citefile bandali-bib-citefile.txt --html-entities \
+ --named-field slides slides --named-field poster poster \
+ --nodoc --no-header --no-footer --no-doi \
+ --reverse-sort --revkeys --sort-by-date --unicode \
+ --output publications \
+ bandali.bib
+ mv publications.html publications-partial.html
+ mv publications_bib.html bandali-bib-partial.html
+ sed -i -f publications-sed.txt publications-partial.html
+ sed -i -f bandali-bib-sed.txt bandali-bib-partial.html
+bandali-bib-partial.html: publications-partial.html
+++ /dev/null
-publications-partial.html: bandali.bib bandali-bib-*.txt
- bibtex2html --citefile bandali-bib-citefile.txt --html-entities \
- --named-field slides slides --named-field poster poster \
- --nodoc --no-header --no-footer --no-doi \
- --reverse-sort --revkeys --sort-by-date --unicode \
- --output publications \
- bandali.bib
- mv publications.html publications-partial.html
- mv publications_bib.html bandali-bib-partial.html
- sed -i -f publications-sed.txt publications-partial.html
- sed -i -f bandali-bib-sed.txt bandali-bib-partial.html
-bandali-bib-partial.html: publications-partial.html
/* box effect */
-details, pre, code {
+.box, details, pre, code {
background-color: #f8f8f8;
border: 1px solid #e6e6e6;
border-radius: 4px;
details pre {
border: none;
+p.box {
+ font-size: 0.95em;
+ padding: 0.3em 0.6em;
table td {
padding: 0.125em 0.3em;