cv: fix addresses
[~bandali/] / computing.html
2021-11-04 Amin Bandaliswitch back to hand-written html and feeds
2021-10-10 Amin Bandalitransition to a simple txt-based setup, plus txt2html
2021-10-04 Amin Bandalicolophon: tweak to mention plain text version as well
2021-07-26 Amin Bandaliadd atom and rss feeds
2021-07-25 Amin Bandalirevamp the site and go fully static
2020-04-20 Amin Bandaliport from an SSI-based setup to one using GNU M4
2020-03-28 Amin Bandalissi on;
2020-03-28 Amin Bandaliconvert the site back into hand-written html
2019-11-21 Amin Bandalicommit another bunch of changes
2019-09-14 Amin Bandalicommit recent changes