Mainly, that startup progs are programs/commands that need to be run
when starting a window manager, whereas profiles are generally sourced
at login time (including over ssh or tty) and don't necessarily have
anything to do with starting window managers.
+++ /dev/null
-# -*- mode: sh; sh-shell: sh -*-
-if [ $DISPLAY ]; then
- if [ -x "$(command -v xinput)" ]; then
- xinput set-prop 'DLL07BE:01 06CB:7A13 Touchpad' 'libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled' 1
- xinput set-prop 'DLL07BE:01 06CB:7A13 Touchpad' 'libinput Click Method Enabled' 0 1
- fi
- setxkbmap \
- -layout us,ir \
- -option ctrl:swap_rwin_rctl \
- -option grp:shifts_toggle
--- /dev/null
+# -*- mode: sh; sh-shell: sh -*-
+if [ $DISPLAY ]; then
+ if [ -x "$(command -v xinput)" ]; then
+ xinput set-prop 'DLL07BE:01 06CB:7A13 Touchpad' 'libinput Natural Scrolling Enabled' 1
+ xinput set-prop 'DLL07BE:01 06CB:7A13 Touchpad' 'libinput Click Method Enabled' 0 1
+ fi
+ setxkbmap \
+ -layout us,ir \
+ -option ctrl:swap_rwin_rctl \
+ -option grp:shifts_toggle
resources="$HOME/.Xresources $HOME/.Xresources.d/$(hostname)"
for res in $resources; do [ -f "$res" ] && xrdb -merge "$res"; done
+if [ -f "$HOME/.local/bin/$(hostname)/startup" ]; then
+ . "$HOME/.local/bin/$(hostname)/startup"
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
xset r rate 200 45
xset b off