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+% bandali-resume.tex --- bandali's résumé -*-latex-*-
+% Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Amin Bandali <bandali@uwaterloo.ca>
+% This résumé is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+% (at your option) any later version.
+% This résumé is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this résumé. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
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+\section*{Summary of Qualifications}
+\item Experience with building software in diverse areas and for
+ various platforms, including GNU/Linux and Windows.
+\item Passionate about applying scientific and engineering methods
+ while designing and building software systems.
+\item Using formal specification techniques to find
+ specification-level bugs early in the design stage rather than
+ implementation.
+\item GNU/Linux system administration on both the client and the
+ server side.
+\item Problem-solving and communication skills, honed through research
+ and teaching roles held in graduate school, as well as holding
+ tutorials discussing complex concepts with fellow students and peers
+ throughout undergraduate studies and high school.
+\item Organizational and teamwork skills, strengthened thanks to
+ community service in form of volunteer activities including
+ organizing the EmacsConf conference and volunteer work for charities
+ such as the Free Software Foundation and St.~Brigid's Summer Camp.
+ \item Master of Mathematics in Computer Science, University of
+ Waterloo, 2020.
+ % completed July 14, 2020
+ \item Bachelor of Science with Honours in Computer Science, York
+ University, 2017.
+ % completed December 2017
+\section*{Work Experience}
+\subsection*{Free Software Foundation (FSF)}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[spring 2020] Tech team intern
+ Working in a sysadmin role on a variety of tasks including
+ installation of the Sourcehut free software forge on the FSF
+ infrastructure for evaluation for the FSF forge project, as well
+ as a series of enhancements for
+ \href{https://www.gnu.org}{www.gnu.org}.
+ \end{description}
+\subsection*{Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo}
+\item \textit{TA}: Teaching Assistant, marking exams and assignments.
+ \textit{IA}: Instructional Apprentice, holding tutorials and marking
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[SE 465 (Software Testing and Quality Assurance)] \textit{TA}
+ in winter 2020.
+ \item[SE 212 (Logic and Computation)] \textit{IA} in fall 2019,
+ \textit{TA} in fall 2018.
+ \item[SE 463 (Software Requirements Specification and Analysis)]
+ \textit{TA} in spring 2019 and 2018.
+ \item[CS 136 (Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction)]
+ \textit{TA} in winter 2018.
+ \end{description}
+\subsection*{Dept. of Electrical Engineering \& Computer Science, York University}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[EECS 1012 (Net-Centric Introduction to Computing)] TA in fall
+ 2017.
+ \end{description}
+\subsection*{Software Engineering Lab, York University}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[summer 2017] Research Assistant
+ Worked on an implementation of
+ \href{https://bertrandmeyer.com/2014/12/07/lampsort/}{\textsf{Lampsort}}
+ in Eiffel. Extended the
+ \href{https://svn.eecs.yorku.ca/repos/sel-open/mathmodels/}{\textsf{mathmodels}}
+ library, implementing a \textsc{rational} class for working with
+ arbitrarily large rational numbers.
+ \item[summer 2016] Research Student
+ Worked on \textit{Literate Unit-B}, the verifier for Unit-B, a new
+ formal method focused on formal verification of reactive,
+ concurrent and distributed systems. From the Literate Unit-B
+ codebase (written in Haskell), decoupled the logic module and used
+ it to build \textit{Unit-B Web}, a web interface using Literate
+ Unit-B to do predicate calculus proofs. Unit-B Web, also written
+ in Haskell, supports the \LaTeX{} syntax of the Unit-B logic,
+ renders user input on the page, and calls the sequent prover of
+ the logic module, which uses the Z3 SMT solver to check the
+ validity of user input.
+ Separated Literate Unit-B's type checker from its parser in a
+ large refactoring, allowing easier substitution of other type
+ checking algorithms, and in preparation for implementing
+ subtyping.
+ \end{description}
+\subsection*{Lotek Wireless Inc.}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[summer 2016] Software Developer
+ Designed and developed an Employee Portal web application in C\#
+ and the MVC framework, used by employees for accessing various
+ data catalogs and archives.
+ \item[summer 2015] Software Developer
+ Designed and implemented various applications in C\# and C for
+ analyzing and testing a satellite pass prediction algorithm for
+ predicting the pass windows of Argos satellites, for scheduling
+ send times of data collected by the company's wildlife tracking
+ products.
+ \end{description}
+\subsection*{Athlete Builder}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[2013--2014] Software Developer
+ Developed the Backend of Athlete Builder platform in C\# and MVC.
+ Key role in development of the platform core.
+ Developed the alpha version of Athlete Builder Android application
+ in Java.
+ \end{description}
+\item \textit{Programming Languages:} Haskell, Python, C, Emacs Lisp,
+ Guile Scheme, Eiffel, Bash, C\#, Java, JavaScript.
+\item \textit{Tools:} GNU Emacs, Git, Alloy, \tla, ProB, \LaTeX,
+ continuous integration systems.
+\item \textit{Platforms:} GNU/Linux distributions, including Trisquel,
+ GNU Guix, Debian.
+\item \textit{Languages:} Persian (mother tongue), English (fluent), French
+ (beginner).
+\section*{Community Service}
+\subsection*{EmacsConf Conference}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[\href{https://emacsconf.org}{2019--present}] Chief organizer
+ and maintainer of conference infrastructure, including the
+ streaming servers.
+ \item[\href{https://emacsconf.org/2015/}{2015}\phantom{--present}]
+ One of the organizers and in charge of setting up and maintaining
+ vital pieces of infrastructure.
+ \end{description}
+\subsection*{Computer Science Club (CSC) of the University of Waterloo}
+\item Served as the CSC System Administrator in Winter and Spring
+ 2020. Present member of the CSC Systems Committee, overseeing and
+ maintaining a large fleet of GNU/Linux servers for CSC members, as
+ well as running the CSC mirror for free software projects.
+ Notable projects include
+ \href{https://mailman.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/pipermail/csc-general/2020-July/000837.html}{launching
+ the CSC web IRC client} as part of an effort in bringing modern
+ user freedom- and privacy-respecting communication tools to club
+ members.
+\subsection*{Free/Libre Software Contributions}
+\item Co-maintainer of
+ \href{https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/gnuzilla.html}{GNUzilla
+ and IceCat}, the GNU version of the Mozilla suite and the Firefox
+ browser respectively.
+\item Maintainer of
+ \href{https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/erc.html}{ERC}, the
+ powerful, modular, and extensible IRC client distributed with
+ GNU~Emacs.
+\item Committer and regular contributor to
+ \href{https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html}{GNU~Emacs} and
+ \href{https://guix.gnu.org}{GNU~Guix}.
+ \href{https://www.gnu.org/people/webmeisters.html#bandali}{GNU~webmaster}
+ and
+ \href{https://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/SavannahHacker/}{GNU~Savannah
+ hacker}.
+\subsection*{Volunteer Work}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[spring 2013] Application Developer for VONICAL Inc.
+ Worked on development of the Employment Accessibility Resource
+ Network (EARN) portal using the Anahita social networking
+ platform, written in PHP and running on GNU/Linux.
+ \end{description}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[winter 2013] Mobile \& Web Developer for Hire Works Inc.
+ Worked on a variety of web and mobile development projects for
+ Hire Works.
+ \end{description}
+ \begin{description}[font=\mdseries]
+ \item[summer 2012] Web Developer for St.~Brigid's Summer Camp
+ Redesigned and revamped the codebase for the photo gallery section
+ of the camp's website in PHP and JavaScript.
+ \end{description}
+%% TODO? \section*{Recent Projects}
+%% \section*{Achievements}
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item Was among the top 1\% incoming students in Carleton University's
+%% undergraduate Computer Science program, and a top student in the
+%% faculty of science.
+%% \item Highest standing in Computer Science in grade 11 (92\%) and
+%% grade 12 (100\%) at High school at Glebe~Collegiate~Institute.
+%% \item Ranked in the top 25\% in the Canadian Senior Mathematics
+%% Contest held by University of Waterloo, in 2013 (grade 11).
+%% \item Graduated from high school with an average of 95\%; and
+%% designated as an Ontario Scholar.
+%% \end{itemize}
+%% \section*{Research Interests}
+%% \begin{itemize}
+%% \item Formal Logic, Model Checking, Theorem Proving, Verification
+%% \end{itemize}
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