port from an SSI-based setup to one using GNU M4
[~bandali/bndl.org] / footer.html
1 ifdef(`__feed', `</content></entry>',
2 `ifdef(`__pub',
3 `<p class="muted inbox">Got a question or comment? You can find my
4 email address on my <a href="contact">contact</a> page.
5 <span class="smly">:-)</span></p>
6 </article>')
7 </main>
8 ifdef(`__copy',
9 `<footer>
10 <p>Copyright &copy; __copy Amin Bandali.
11 See the ifelse(__slug,`license',`above for license conditions',`<a href="/license">license conditions</a>').
12 Please copy and share.</p>
13 </footer>')
14 </body>
15 </html>')