and I'm looking into Rust and Lean as well. Feel free to [[/contact][drop me a
line]] if you like to geek out about any of the above.
-** TODO Now
+** DONE Now
+CLOSED: [2018-09-04 Tue 10:53]
+:EXPORT_HUGO_MENU: :menu topnav :weight 20
+:EXPORT_HUGO_CUSTOM_FRONT_MATTER: :customTitle "What I'm doing now"
+This is my [[][now page]].
+I'm currently doing my third semester as a [[/uw][graduate student]] in the
+Waterloo Formal Methods group at University of Waterloo. I'm also
+TA'ing [[][SE 212: Logic and Computation]], taught by my supervisor, Nancy.
+In my spare time, I write [[][free software]] (projects page coming soon),
+and tend to various tasks as a GNU webmaster. I've also been picking
+up the guitar, after giving up on my longtime dream of being a
+pianist, at least for now.
+This update was on {{< lastmod >}}.
** TODO Projects