| 1 | #!/bin/bash |
| 2 | |
| 3 | sudo systemctl start dhcpcd |
| 4 | |
| 5 | # install cower & pacaur |
| 6 | mkdir -p usr/build |
| 7 | cd $_ |
| 8 | git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/cower.git |
| 9 | git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/pacaur.git |
| 10 | cd cower |
| 11 | gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu 1EB2638FF56C0C53 |
| 12 | makepkg -si |
| 13 | cd ../pacaur |
| 14 | makepkg -si |
| 15 | |
| 16 | # mirrors |
| 17 | pacaur -S reflector |
| 18 | sudo reflector --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist -c "Canada" -f 5 -l 5 |
| 19 | |
| 20 | # dkms |
| 21 | pacaur -S linux-headers dkms |
| 22 | |
| 23 | # X, drivers, lightdm, Xfce |
| 24 | pacaur -S mesa-libgl libva-intel-driver xorg-{xprop,server{,-utils}} vulkan-intel |
| 25 | pacaur -S pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa |
| 26 | pacaur -S lightdm{,-gtk-greeter} |
| 27 | sudo systemctl enable lightdm |
| 28 | pacaur -S xfce4{,-screenshoter} |
| 29 | |
| 30 | # other essentials |
| 31 | pacaur -S wget openssh |
| 32 | pacaur -S thunar-volman gvfs{,-mtp} |
| 33 | pacaur -S ntfs-3g |
| 34 | pacaur -S mba6x_bl-dkms |
| 35 | pacaur -S firefox chromium |
| 36 | pacaur -S unrar mpv youtube-dl |
| 37 | pacaur -S feh sxiv-git |
| 38 | pacaur -S p{a,n}mixer-gi |
| 39 | pacaur -S pavucontrol |
| 40 | pacaur -S rxvt-unicode-pixbuf urxvt-perls urxvt-font-size-git |
| 41 | pacaur -S dunst-git |
| 42 | pacaur -S light-git kbdlight |
| 43 | pacaur -S pass |
| 44 | pacaur -S rofi{,-pass}-git |
| 45 | pacaur -S teiler |
| 46 | pacaur -S ncdu |
| 47 | pacaur -S w3m neofetch-git |
| 48 | pacaur -S gnome-keyring seahorse |
| 49 | pacaur -S meld |
| 50 | pacaur -S ttf-symbola |
| 51 | pacaur -S stow |
| 52 | |
| 53 | # tlp and powertop |
| 54 | pacaur -S tlp powertop |
| 55 | # TODO: create powertop service |
| 56 | sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/powertop.service |
| 57 | sudo systemctl enable powertop.service |
| 58 | sudo systemctl disable systemd-rfkill |
| 59 | # TODO: copy tlp config |
| 60 | sudo systemctl enable tlp tlp-sleep |
| 61 | |
| 62 | # fonts |
| 63 | pacaur -S ttf-liberation ttf-ubuntu-font-family |
| 64 | pacaur -S ttf-inconsolata adobe-source-code-pro-fonts |
| 65 | pacaur -S ttf-roboto cantarell-fonts |
| 66 | |
| 67 | pacaur -S elementary-xfce-icons |
| 68 | pacaur -S xfce-theme-greybird |
| 69 | |
| 70 | # LibreOffice & TeX |
| 71 | pacaur -S hunspell{,-en} |
| 72 | pacaur -S libreoffice |
| 73 | pacaur -S tex{info,live-{bin,core,{fonts,formats,generic,latex,plain}extra,htmlxml,humanities,pictures,publishers,science}} |
| 74 | |
| 75 | # macfanctld |
| 76 | pacaur -S macfanctld |
| 77 | sudo systemctl enable macfanctld.service |
| 78 | sudo systemctl start macfanctld.service |
| 79 | |
| 80 | # stack |
| 81 | gpg --recv-keys --keyserver hkp://pgp.mit.edu 702353E0F7E48EDB |
| 82 | pacaur -S ncurses5-compat-libs stack |
| 83 | |
| 84 | # fix ` and ~ |
| 85 | sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf |
| 86 | # TODO: copy file |
| 87 | sudo mkinitcpio -p linux |
| 88 | |
| 89 | # window manager |
| 90 | pacaur -S {bspwm,sxhkd}-git |
| 91 | |
| 92 | |
| 93 | # connman |
| 94 | pacaur -S wpa_supplicant connman{,-gtk} |
| 95 | |
| 96 | sudo systemctl stop dhcpcd |
| 97 | sudo systemctl enable connman |
| 98 | |
| 99 | # stow |
| 100 | cd $HOME/dotfiles |
| 101 | stow bspwm |
| 102 | stow sxhkd |
| 103 | stow compton |
| 104 | stow rofi |
| 105 | stow rofi-pass |
| 106 | stow dunst |
| 107 | stow fontconfig |
| 108 | stow gtk |
| 109 | stow x |
| 110 | stow xdg |
| 111 | stow latexmk |
| 112 | stow zathura |