guix: add rottlog, thermald, tlp, and powertop to chaman
[~bandali/configs] / .config / guix / manifest / jirud.scm
... / ...
2 '("audacity"
3 "bash-completion"
4 "cvs"
5 ;; "emacs"
6 "font-adobe-source-code-pro"
7 ;; "font-gnu-freefont-ttf"
8 ;; "font-google-roboto"
9 ;; "font-liberation"
10 ;; "font-linuxlibertine"
11 ;; "font-sil-gentium"
12 ;; "font-tex-gyre"
13 ;; "font-ubuntu"
14 "getmail"
15 "gettext"
16 "gimp"
17 "git"
18 "git:send-email"
19 "glibc-locales"
20 "gnupg"
21 "guile"
22 "haunt"
23 "htop"
24 "hunspell"
25 "hunspell-dict-en-ca"
26 "hunspell-dict-en-us"
27 ;; "icecat"
28 "inkscape"
29 "isync"
30 "mpv"
31 "msmtp"
32 "ncdu"
33 "notmuch"
34 "nss-certs"
35 "openssh"
36 ;; "openssl"
37 "password-store"
38 "pinentry"
39 ;; "poppler" ;for 'pdffonts'
40 "rsync"
41 "rtv"
42 "screen"
43 ;; "setxkbmap"
44 ;; "texlive"
45 ;; "texlive-base"
46 ;; "thinkfan"
47 ;; "xdg-user-dirs"
48 ;; "xkbcomp"
49 ;; "xmodmap"
50 ;; "xrdb"
51 "youtube-dl"))