[~bandali/configs] / .emacs.d / etc / custom.el
1 (custom-set-variables
2 ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
3 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
4 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
5 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
6 '(abbrev-file-name "/home/bandali/.emacs.d/var/abbrev.el")
7 '(auth-sources (quote ("~/.authinfo.gpg")))
8 '(company-dabbrev-char-regexp "\\sw\\|\\s_\\|[-_]")
9 '(company-dabbrev-downcase nil)
10 '(company-dabbrev-ignore-case nil)
11 '(company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
12 '(company-selection-wrap-around t)
13 '(ebdb-gnus-window-configuration
14 (quote
15 (article
16 (vertical 1.0
17 (summary 0.25 point)
18 (horizontal 1.0
19 (article 1.0)
20 (ebdb-gnus 0.3))))))
21 '(ediff-split-window-function (quote split-window-horizontally) t)
22 '(ediff-window-setup-function (quote ediff-setup-windows-plain) t)
23 '(epa-pinentry-mode (quote loopback))
24 '(epg-gpg-program "/home/bandali/.guix-profile/bin/gpg")
25 '(epg-pinentry-mode (quote loopback) t)
26 '(erc-fill-function (quote erc-fill-static))
27 '(erc-fill-static-center 18)
28 '(erc-join-buffer (quote bury) t)
29 '(erc-lurker-hide-list (quote ("JOIN" "PART" "QUIT")) t)
30 '(erc-nick "bandali" t)
31 '(erc-pcomplete-nick-postfix ",")
32 '(erc-rename-buffers t t)
33 '(erc-server-reconnect-attempts 5 t)
34 '(erc-server-reconnect-timeout 3 t)
35 '(erc-track-enable-keybindings nil)
36 '(erc-track-exclude-types
37 (quote
38 ("JOIN" "MODE" "NICK" "PART" "QUIT" "324" "329" "332" "333" "353" "477")))
39 '(erc-track-priority-faces-only (quote all))
40 '(erc-track-shorten-function nil)
41 '(eshell-directory-name "/home/bandali/.emacs.d/var/eshell/")
42 '(eshell-hist-ignoredups t t)
43 '(eshell-input-filter (quote eshell-input-filter-initial-space) t)
44 '(flycheck-mode-line-prefix "flyc")
45 '(ibuffer-formats
46 (quote
47 ((mark modified read-only locked " "
48 (name 18 18 :left :elide)
49 " "
50 (size-h 9 -1 :right)
51 " "
52 (mode 16 16 :left :elide)
53 " " filename-and-process)
54 (mark " "
55 (name 16 -1)
56 " " filename))))
57 '(ibuffer-saved-filter-groups
58 (quote
59 (("default"
60 ("dired"
61 (mode . dired-mode))
62 ("org"
63 (mode . org-mode))
64 ("gnus"
65 (or
66 (mode . gnus-group-mode)
67 (mode . gnus-summary-mode)
68 (mode . gnus-article-mode)
69 (mode . message-mode)))
70 ("web"
71 (or
72 (mode . web-mode)
73 (mode . css-mode)
74 (mode . scss-mode)
75 (mode . js2-mode)))
76 ("shell"
77 (or
78 (mode . eshell-mode)
79 (mode . shell-mode)
80 (mode . term-mode)))
81 ("programming"
82 (or
83 (mode . python-mode)
84 (mode . c-mode)
85 (mode . c++-mode)
86 (mode . java-mode)
87 (mode . emacs-lisp-mode)
88 (mode . scheme-mode)
89 (mode . haskell-mode)
90 (mode . lean-mode)
91 (mode . go-mode)
92 (mode . alloy-mode)))
93 ("tex"
94 (or
95 (mode . bibtex-mode)
96 (mode . latex-mode)))
97 ("emacs"
98 (or
99 (name . "^\\*scratch\\*$")
100 (name . "^\\*Messages\\*$")))
101 ("erc"
102 (mode . erc-mode))))))
103 '(ls-lisp-dirs-first t t)
104 '(magit-display-buffer-function (quote magit-display-buffer-fullframe-status-v1))
105 '(mml-secure-key-preferences
106 (quote
107 ((OpenPGP
108 (sign)
109 (encrypt
110 ("ineiev@gnu.org" "BD9D4DEE7B2FF1CBEF2EE0C4E0ACD3E0CBE7874A")))
111 (CMS
112 (sign)
113 (encrypt)))))
114 '(mml-secure-openpgp-encrypt-to-self t)
115 '(mml-secure-openpgp-sign-with-sender t)
116 '(org-agenda-files
117 (quote
118 ("~/usr/org/todos/personal.org" "~/usr/org/todos/habits.org" "~/src/git/masters-thesis/todo.org")))
119 '(org-agenda-start-on-weekday 0)
120 '(org-agenda-time-leading-zero t)
121 '(org-habit-graph-column 44)
122 '(org-latex-packages-alist (quote (("" "listings") ("" "color"))))
123 '(org-pretty-entities t)
124 '(page-break-lines-max-width 70 t)
125 '(projectile-completion-system (quote ivy))
126 '(projectile-mode-line-prefix " proj")
127 '(recentf-max-saved-items 2000)
128 '(recentf-save-file "/home/bandali/.emacs.d/var/recentf-save.el")
129 '(safe-local-variable-values
130 (quote
131 ((org-export-allow-bind-keywords . t)
132 (eval load-file "thesis.el")
133 (eval modify-syntax-entry 43 "'")
134 (eval modify-syntax-entry 36 "'")
135 (eval modify-syntax-entry 126 "'")
136 (eval require
137 (quote org-ref))
138 (eval when
139 (featurep
140 (quote typo)
141 (typo-mode -1)))
142 (eval add-hook
143 (quote after-save-hook)
144 (function a/async-babel-tangle)
145 (quote append)
146 (quote local))
147 (eval add-hook
148 (quote after-save-hook)
149 (quote org-beamer-export-to-latex)
150 t t)
151 (eval setq org-latex-prefer-user-labels t)
152 (eval add-hook
153 (quote after-save-hook)
154 (quote org-latex-export-to-latex)
155 t t))))
156 '(save-place-file "/home/bandali/.emacs.d/var/save-place.el" t)
157 '(savehist-file "/home/bandali/.emacs.d/var/savehist.el" t)
158 '(unkillable-buffers (quote ("^\\*scratch\\*$" "^\\*Messages\\*$")))
159 '(which-key-add-column-padding 5)
160 '(which-key-max-description-length 32))
161 (custom-set-faces
162 ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
163 ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
164 ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
165 ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
166 '(dired-directory ((t (:weight semi-bold))))
167 '(ivy-virtual ((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face :foreground "dim gray"))))
168 '(magit-diff-file-heading ((t (:weight normal))))
169 '(quote (org-block-begin-line ((t (:foreground "#5a5b5a" :background "#1d1f21")))))
170 '(widget-button ((t (:weight semi-bold)))))