(setq text-scale-mode-step 1.05)
+** Focus follows mouse
+I’d like focus to follow the mouse when I move the cursor from one
+window to the next.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(setq mouse-autoselect-window t)
+Let’s define a function to conveniently disable this for certain
+buffers and/or modes.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(defun amin--no-mouse-autoselect-window ()
+ (make-local-variable 'mouse-autoselect-window)
+ (setq mouse-autoselect-window nil))
** Libraries
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
evil-cross-lines t)
;; custom mode state mappings
- (dolist (mspair '((ebdb-mode . emacs)
- (term-mode . emacs)
- (helpful-mode . motion)
- (view-mode . motion)))
+ (dolist (mspair '((ebdb-mode . emacs)
+ (term-mode . emacs)
+ (helpful-mode . motion)
+ (magit-blame-mode . motion)
+ (view-mode . motion)))
(evil-set-initial-state (car mspair) (cdr mspair)))
;; fix tab and indentation in src blocks inside org-mode buffer
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package magit
:defer 1
- :general (amin--leader-keys "g s" 'magit-status)
+ :general
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ "g s" 'magit-status
+ "g l" 'magit-log-buffer-file)
:bind ("s-g" . magit-status)
(magit-add-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook
:map gnus-summary-mode-map
("r" . gnus-summary-reply-with-original)
("R" . gnus-summary-wide-reply-with-original)
- ("M-L" . org-store-link)))
+ ("M-L" . org-store-link))
+ :hook (gnus-summary-mode . amin--no-mouse-autoselect-window))
(use-package gnus-msg
(address "amin@aminb.org")
(body "\nBest,\namin\n")
- (signature-file "~/.signature-amin")
(eval (setq amin--message-cite-say-hi t)))
- (address "bandali@gnu.org")
- (signature-file nil))
+ (address "bandali@gnu.org"))
((header "subject" "ThankCRM")
(to "webmasters-comment@gnu.org")
(body "\nAdded to 2018supporters.html.\n\nMoving to campaigns.\n\n-amin\n")
(eval (setq amin--message-cite-say-hi nil)))
(address "abandali@uwaterloo.ca")
- (gcc "\"nnimap+uwaterloo:Sent Items\"")
- (signature-file nil)))))
+ (gcc "\"nnimap+uwaterloo:Sent Items\"")))))
(use-package gnus-topic
:hook (gnus-group-mode . gnus-topic-mode))