This section contains the configuration files (dotfiles) of various
programs I use.
-** [[][afew]]
-:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/afew/config
-an initial tagging script for notmuch mail
-#+begin_src conf
-# This is the default filter chain
-sent_tag = sent
-#query = 'folder:amin/lists/.haskell-cafe'
-#tags = +lists;+lists/haskell-cafe
-#message = lists/haskell-cafe
-#query = 'folder:amin/lists/.haskell-weekly'
-#tags = +lists;+lists/haskell-weekly
-#message = lists/haskell-weekly
-#query = 'folder:amin/lists/.hackernewsletter'
-#tags = +lists;+lists/hackernewsletter
-#message = lists/hackernewsletter
-#folder_blacklist = Inbox
-#maildir_separator = /.
-#folder_transforms = Drafts:draft Junk:spam Trash:deleted Sent:sent Archive:archive lists/haskell-cafe:lists/haskell-cafe
** bspwm
*** bspwmrc
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc :shebang "#!/bin/sh"
-#+begin_src sh
+#+begin_src sh :tangle no
sxhkd &
sh ~/.fehbg &
xfce4-panel -d &
-#compton &
+compton &
sleep 0.5 && pasystray --notify=all &
bspc monitor -d I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
bspc config click_to_focus button1
bspc config directional_focus_tightness low
-bspc rule -a Firefox desktop='^1' follow=on
+#bspc rule -a Firefox desktop='^1' follow=on
bspc rule -a Nightly desktop='^1' follow=on
bspc rule -a Emacs desktop='^2' state=tiled follow=on
#bspc rule -a Chromium desktop='^4' follow=on
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
-#+begin_src conf
+#+begin_src conf :tangle no
# wm independent hotkeys
pamixer --toggle-mute
+ pactl set-source-mute 1 toggle
# playback control
mpc {toggle,prev,next}
# kbdlight {up,down}
+ toggle-tablet
# bspwm hotkeys
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/compton.conf
-#+begin_src conf
+#+begin_src conf :tangle no
# Shadow
shadow = false; # Enabled client-side shadows on windows.
no-dock-shadow = true; # Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows.
+** getmail
+*** getmailrc
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.getmail/getmailrc
+#+begin_src conf
+type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
+server =
+username = aminb
+password_command = ("gpg2", "--no-tty", "-q", "-d", "/home/amin/.passwd/gnu.gpg")
+port = 995
+use_apop = True
+type = Maildir
+path = ~/mail/gnu/Inbox/
+delete = True
+*** getmail.service
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/systemd/user/getmail.service
+#+begin_src conf :tangle no
+Description=getmail service
+*** getmail.timer
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/systemd/user/getmail.timer
+#+begin_src conf :tangle no
+Description=getmail timer
** Git
*** gitconfig
#+begin_src conf
name = Amin Bandali
- email =
- # signingkey = 4E05246AB0BF7FFB
+ email =
+ signingkey = CDDE75F903538E71813CDA27D1FBA36627D65876
**** signing
#+begin_src conf
-# [commit]
-# gpgsign = true
+ gpgsign = true
# [format]
# signoff = true
pr = pull --rebase
ps = push
psf = push --force
+ nmam = "!f() { notmuch show --format=raw $1 | git am -; }; f"
+ nmam3 = "!f() { notmuch show --format=raw $1 | git am -3 -; }; f"
**** color
user = aminb
+**** send-email
+#+begin_src conf
+ smtpuser = aminb
+ smtpserver =
+ smtpserverport = 587
+ smtpencryption = tls
+ annotate = yes
*** gitignore
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.gitignore_global
-** Latexmk
-:header-args+: :tangle ~/.latexmkrc
-#+begin_src conf
-$pdf_previewer = "start zathura %O %S";
-$clean_ext = "aux out";
-# $pdf_update_method = 4;
-# $pdf_update_command = "zathura %O %S";
-# Synctex allows one to jump to from the PDF in Zathura to the source in Emacs
-# by Ctrl+click in the PDF.
-# Tell latexmk to use Zathura as a previewer, and run emacsclient as the Synctex
-# editor.
-# $pdf_previewer = 'exec zathura --synctex-forward -x \'emacsclient --no-wait +%{line} %{input}\' %O %S';
-** libinput
-Improve XPS 15 9560's touchpad experience.
-#+begin_src conf :tangle (when (and (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) (string= (system-name) "plasma")) "/sudo::/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf")
-Section "InputClass"
- Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
- Driver "libinput"
- MatchIsTouchpad "on"
- Option "ClickMethod" "clickfinger"
- Option "NaturalScrolling" "true"
- Option "Tapping" "on"
- Option "TappingButtonMap" "lrm"
-** getmail
-*** getmailrc
-:header-args+: :tangle ~/.getmail/getmailrc
-#+begin_src conf
-type = SimplePOP3SSLRetriever
-server =
-username = aminb
-password_command = ("gpg2", "--no-tty", "-q", "-d", "~/.passwd/gnu.gpg")
-port = 995
-use_apop = True
-type = Maildir
-path = ~/mail/gnu/Inbox/
-delete = True
-*** getmail.service
-:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/systemd/user/getmail.service
-#+begin_src conf :tangle no
-Description=getmail service
-*** getmail.timer
-:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/systemd/user/getmail.timer
-#+begin_src conf :tangle no
-Description=getmail timer
** GnuPG
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf
# gtk-key-theme-name = Emacs
+** [[][i3gs]]
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/i3gs/config
+#+begin_src conf :comments none :tangle no
+borders_width=0 0 2 0
+#title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#7FDBFF'> </span>
+title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#3D9970'> </span>
+#title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#2ECC40'> </span>
+#title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#01FF70'> </span>
+title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#7FDBFF'></span>
+title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#39CCCC'> </span>
+title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#01FF70'> </span>
+command=date '+%-I:%M, %a %b %d '
+title=<span weight='heavy' fgcolor='#FFDC00'> </span>
+** i3status
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/i3status/config
+#+begin_src conf :comments none
+# i3status configuration file.
+# see "man i3status" for documentation.
+# It is important that this file is edited as UTF-8.
+# The following line should contain a sharp s:
+# ß
+# If the above line is not correctly displayed, fix your editor first!
+general {
+ colors = true
+ interval = 5
+# order += "ipv6"
+order += "disk /"
+order += "disk /data"
+order += "wireless _first_"
+# order += "ethernet _first_"
+order += "battery 0"
+order += "volume master"
+order += "load"
+order += "tztime local"
+wireless _first_ {
+ format_up = "W:%quality %essid %ip"
+ format_down = "W: down"
+# ethernet _first_ {
+# # if you use %speed, i3status requires root privileges
+# format_up = "E: %ip (%speed)"
+# format_down = "E: down"
+# }
+battery 0 {
+ format = "%status %percentage %remaining (%consumption)"
+ path = "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT%d/uevent"
+ low_threshold = "10"
+ threshold_type = "percentage"
+ last_full_capacity = true
+ integer_battery_capacity = true
+ hide_seconds = true
+tztime local {
+ format = "%-I:%M%P %a %b %d"
+volume master {
+ format = "♪ %volume"
+ format_muted = "🔇 %volume"
+ device = "pulse"
+load {
+ format = "%1min"
+disk "/" {
+ format = "/ %avail"
+disk "/data" {
+ format = "/data %avail"
** isync
*** mbsyncrc
+** Latexmk
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.latexmkrc
+#+begin_src conf
+$pdf_previewer = "start zathura %O %S";
+$clean_ext = "aux out";
+# $pdf_update_method = 4;
+# $pdf_update_command = "zathura %O %S";
+# Synctex allows one to jump to from the PDF in Zathura to the source in Emacs
+# by Ctrl+click in the PDF.
+# Tell latexmk to use Zathura as a previewer, and run emacsclient as the Synctex
+# editor.
+# $pdf_previewer = 'exec zathura --synctex-forward -x \'emacsclient --no-wait +%{line} %{input}\' %O %S';
+** libinput
+Improve XPS 15 9560's touchpad experience.
+# begin_src conf :tangle (when (and (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) (string= (system-name) "plasma")) "/sudo::/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/30-touchpad.conf")
+#+begin_src conf :tangle no
+Section "InputClass"
+ Identifier "libinput touchpad catchall"
+ Driver "libinput"
+ MatchIsTouchpad "on"
+ Option "ClickMethod" "clickfinger"
+ Option "NaturalScrolling" "true"
+ Option "Tapping" "on"
+ Option "TappingButtonMap" "lrm"
** mpd
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/mpd/mpd.conf
# aminb
account aminb
-tls_fingerprint BB:98:B3:02:83:B0:E0:C3:49:3E:C2:B2:A8:60:62:78:03:B3:5D:B3:BD:B8:0A:39:BB:E4:B0:66:D1:CF:D1:6B
+# use `msmtp -a aminb --serverinfo --tls --tls-certcheck=off --tls-fingerprint=` to get the current fingerprint
+tls_fingerprint 98:C7:F0:02:7F:2B:D8:B6:D3:BF:E8:C1:D4:07:6B:B5:6C:B1:C7:5D:97:20:70:88:AB:9E:B5:09:5D:2C:DC:8E
tls_starttls on
# gnu
account gnu
-tls_fingerprint 94:0E:37:EB:EA:44:5A:4B:B6:6F:16:3D:6C:7E:7E:44:2D:93:61:C1:FE:82:A8:29:5E:3C:12:4E:2D:BE:0E:2C
+# use `msmtp -a gnu --serverinfo --tls --tls-certcheck=off --tls-fingerprint=` to get the current fingerprint
+tls_fingerprint 28:70:42:76:1C:EC:91:5F:D1:B3:27:A1:CD:3B:32:A4:8B:0B:DC:3A:CD:CA:F6:6F:E4:61:BA:69:D7:4D:0D:0B
tls_starttls on
user aminb
passwordeval gpg2 --no-tty -q -d ~/.passwd/gnu.gpg
+# gnu (amin)
+account gnu-amin : gnu
+# gnu (mab)
+account gnu-mab : gnu
# uwaterloo
account uwaterloo
passwordeval gpg2 --no-tty -q -d ~/.passwd/uwaterloo.gpg
tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
-# uwaterloo (friendly address)
-account uwaterloo-friendly : uwaterloo
# Set a default account
account default : aminb
name=Amin Bandali;;;;;;;
# Configuration for "notmuch new"
# Search configuration
+*** pre-new hook
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/mail/.notmuch/hooks/pre-new :shebang "#!/bin/sh"
+#+begin_src sh
+touch /tmp/gnusieve.log
+sieve-filter -eW -o \
+ -o mail_location=maildir:$MAILDIR/gnu:LAYOUT=fs:INBOX=$MAILDIR/gnu/Inbox ~/sieve/gnu.sieve INBOX delete &>>/tmp/gnusieve.log
*** post-new hook
:header-args+: :tangle ~/mail/.notmuch/hooks/post-new :shebang "#!/bin/sh"
#+begin_src sh
-afew -tn
+# apply sent tag to messages sent by me
+notmuch tag -new +sent -- or or or or
+# initial tagging
+notmuch tag -latest -- tag:latest
+notmuch tag +inbox +unread +latest -new -- tag:new
# apply tags to lists
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/deepspec -- folder:amin/lists/deepspec
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/haskell-cafe -- folder:amin/lists/haskell-cafe
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/haskell-weekly -- folder:amin/lists/haskell-weekly
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/hackernewsletter -- folder:amin/lists/hackernewsletter
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/notmuch -- folder:amin/lists/notmuch
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/info-gnu-emacs -- folder:amin/lists/info-gnu-emacs
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/help-gnu-emacs -- folder:amin/lists/help-gnu-emacs
-notmuch tag +lists +lists/emacs-devel -- folder:amin/lists/emacs-devel
+# <aminb>
+notmuch tag -inbox +lists/hackernewsletter -- folder:amin/lists/hackernewsletter
+notmuch tag -inbox +lists/haskell-weekly -- folder:amin/lists/haskell-weekly
+notmuch tag -inbox +pay -- folder:amin/pay
+notmuch tag -inbox +banking -- folder:amin/banking
+# </aminb>
+# <uw>
+notmuch tag -inbox +uw/cs136 -- folder:uwaterloo/lists/cs136
+notmuch tag -inbox +uw/se463 -- folder:uwaterloo/lists/se463
+notmuch tag -inbox +lists/clvsingle -- folder:uwaterloo/lists/Clvsingle
+notmuch tag -inbox +lists/gsa -- folder:uwaterloo/lists/GSA
+notmuch tag -inbox +lists/math-grad -- folder:uwaterloo/lists/Math-grad
+notmuch tag -inbox +lists/scs-grads -- folder:uwaterloo/lists/scs-grads
+notmuch tag -inbox +lists/watform-students -- folder:uwaterloo/lists/Watform-students
+# </uw>
+# <gnu>
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/emacs-devel -- folder:gnu/l/emacs-devel
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/emacs-orgmode -- folder:gnu/l/emacs-orgmode
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/emacsconf-discuss -- folder:gnu/l/emacsconf-discuss
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/fencepost-users -- folder:gnu/l/fencepost-users
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/guix-devel -- folder:gnu/l/guix-devel
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/guile-devel -- folder:gnu/l/guile-devel
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/help-gnu-emacs -- folder:gnu/l/help-gnu-emacs
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/info-gnu-emacs -- folder:gnu/l/info-gnu-emacs
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/www-commits -- folder:gnu/l/www-commits
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/www-discuss -- folder:gnu/l/www-discuss
+notmuch tag -inbox +webmasters -- folder:gnu/webmasters
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/deepspec -- folder:gnu/l/deepspec
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/haskell-cafe -- folder:gnu/l/haskell-cafe
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/haskell-art -- folder:gnu/l/haskell-art
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/notmuch -- folder:gnu/l/notmuch
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/~aminb/test-priv -- folder:gnu/l/~aminb/test-priv
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/~sircmpwn/ -- folder:gnu/l/~sircmpwn/
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/~sircmpwn/ -- folder:gnu/l/~sircmpwn/
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/~sircmpwn/ -- folder:gnu/l/~sircmpwn/
+notmuch tag -inbox +l/~sircmpwn/ -- folder:gnu/l/~sircmpwn/
+# </gnu>
+notmuch tag -inbox -unread +archive/notmuch -- path:archive/notmuch/**
+notmuch tag -inbox -unread +archive/emacs-devel -- path:archive/emacs-devel/**
*** notmuch.service
+** pigeonhole
+*** gnu.sieve
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/sieve/gnu.sieve :comments none
+#+begin_src conf
+require [ "regex", "variables", "fileinto", "envelope", "mailbox", "imap4flags", "include" ];
+if anyof (
+ address :is "from" "",
+ address :is "from" "") {
+ fileinto :create "webmasters";
+ stop;
+include :personal "lists";
+*** lists.sieve
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/sieve/lists.sieve :comments none
+#+begin_src conf
+require [ "regex", "variables", "fileinto", "envelope", "mailbox", "imap4flags",
+ "include" ];
+if anyof (
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<>") {
+ if header :regex "list-id" "<([a-z_0-9-]+)[.@]" {
+ set :lower "listname" "${1}";
+ fileinto :create "l/${listname}";
+ }
+if anyof (
+ header :contains "list-id" "<~aminb/>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<~sircmpwn/>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<~sircmpwn/>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<~sircmpwn/>",
+ header :contains "list-id" "<~sircmpwn/>") {
+ if header :regex "list-id" "(~[a-z_0-9-]+)/([a-z_0-9.-]+)@" {
+ set :lower "username" "${1}";
+ set :lower "listname" "${2}";
+ fileinto :create "l/${username}/${listname}";
+ }
** polybar
*** config
** redshift
-:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/redshift.conf
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/redshift.conf :comments none
#+begin_src conf
# rofi command. Make sure to have "$@" as last argument
_rofi () {
#rofi -no-auto-select -kb-accept-entry "!Return" -i -no-levenshtein-sort "$@"
- rofi -i -no-auto-select "$@"
+ rofi -i -no-auto-select -kb-accept-entry "!Return" "$@"
# xdotool needs the keyboard layout to be set using setxkbmap
+** sway
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.config/sway/config
+#+begin_src conf
+exec xrdb .Xresources
+exec dunst
+### Variables
+# super
+set $mod Mod4
+# alt
+set $mod2 Mod1
+set $left h
+set $down j
+set $up k
+set $right l
+set $term urxvt
+set $menu rofi -show run -display-run '> ' -display-window ' 🗔 '
+### Output configuration
+# Default wallpaper (more resolutions are available in __DATADIR__/backgrounds/sway/)
+output * bg /usr/share/backgrounds/sway/Sway_Wallpaper_Blue_1920x1080.png fill
+# Example configuration:
+# output HDMI-A-1 resolution 1920x1080 position 1920,0
+# You can get the names of your outputs by running: swaymsg -t get_outputs
+### Idle configuration
+# Example configuration:
+#exec swayidle \
+# timeout 300 'swaylock -c 000000' \
+# timeout 600 'swaymsg "output * dpms off"' \
+# resume 'swaymsg "output * dpms on"' \
+# before-sleep 'swaylock -c 000000'
+# This will lock your screen after 300 seconds of inactivity, then turn off
+# your displays after another 600 seconds, and turn your screens back on when
+# resumed. It will also lock your screen before your computer goes to sleep.
+### Input configuration
+input "1739:31251:DLL07BE:01_06CB:7A13_Touchpad" {
+ dwt enabled
+ tap enabled
+ natural_scroll enabled
+ middle_emulation enabled
+ click_method clickfinger
+input "1:1:AT_Translated_Set_2_keyboard" {
+ repeat_delay 200
+ repeat_rate 45
+ xkb_layout us,ir
+ xkb_options ctrl:nocaps,altwin:swap_alt_win,ctrl:rctrl_ralt,grp:shifts_toggle
+### Key bindings
+# Basics:
+ # start a terminal
+ bindsym $mod+Return exec $term
+ # kill focused window
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+q kill
+ # start your launcher
+ bindsym $mod+d exec $menu
+ # password manager
+ bindsym $mod2+space exec rofi-pass
+ # Drag floating windows by holding down $mod and left mouse button.
+ # Resize them with right mouse button + $mod.
+ # Despite the name, also works for non-floating windows.
+ # Change normal to inverse to use left mouse button for resizing and right
+ # mouse button for dragging.
+ floating_modifier $mod normal
+ # reload the configuration file
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+c reload
+ # exit sway (logs you out of your wayland session)
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+e exit
+ bindsym $mod+apostrophe exec rofi-light # rofi-based brightness chooser
+ bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp exec light -A 5 # increase screen brightness
+ bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown exec light -U 5 # decrease screen brightness
+ bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pamixer --allow-boost --increase 5
+ bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pamixer --allow-boost --decrease 5
+ bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pamixer --toggle-mute
+ bindsym XF86AudioMicMute exec pactl set-source-mute 1 toggle
+ # original sway workspace switch and window move
+ bindsym $mod+bracketleft workspace prev
+ bindsym $mod+bracketright workspace next
+ bindsym $mod+braceleft move container to workspace prev
+ bindsym $mod+braceright move container to workspace next
+ # bspwm-esque workspace switch and window move
+ bindsym $mod2+bracketleft exec sway-ws-util switch prev
+ bindsym $mod2+bracketright exec sway-ws-util switch next
+ bindsym $mod2+braceleft exec sway-ws-util move prev follow
+ bindsym $mod2+braceright exec sway-ws-util move next follow
+# Moving around:
+ # Move your focus around
+ bindsym $mod+$left focus left
+ bindsym $mod+$down focus down
+ bindsym $mod+$up focus up
+ bindsym $mod+$right focus right
+ # or use $mod+[up|down|left|right]
+ bindsym $mod+Left focus left
+ bindsym $mod+Down focus down
+ bindsym $mod+Up focus up
+ bindsym $mod+Right focus right
+ # _move_ the focused window with the same, but add Shift
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+$left move left
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+$down move down
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+$up move up
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+$right move right
+ # ditto, with arrow keys
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+Left move left
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+Down move down
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+Up move up
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+Right move right
+# Workspaces:
+ # switch to workspace
+ bindsym $mod+1 workspace 1
+ bindsym $mod+2 workspace 2
+ bindsym $mod+3 workspace 3
+ bindsym $mod+4 workspace 4
+ bindsym $mod+5 workspace 5
+ bindsym $mod+6 workspace 6
+ bindsym $mod+7 workspace 7
+ bindsym $mod+8 workspace 8
+ bindsym $mod+9 workspace 9
+ bindsym $mod+0 workspace 10
+ # move focused container to workspace
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+1 move container to workspace 1
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+2 move container to workspace 2
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+3 move container to workspace 3
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+4 move container to workspace 4
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+5 move container to workspace 5
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+6 move container to workspace 6
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+7 move container to workspace 7
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+8 move container to workspace 8
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+9 move container to workspace 9
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+0 move container to workspace 10
+ # Note: workspaces can have any name you want, not just numbers.
+ # We just use 1-10 as the default.
+# Layout stuff:
+ # You can "split" the current object of your focus with
+ # $mod+b or $mod+v, for horizontal and vertical splits
+ # respectively.
+ bindsym $mod+b splith
+ bindsym $mod+v splitv
+ # Switch the current container between different layout styles
+ bindsym $mod+s layout stacking
+ bindsym $mod+w layout tabbed
+ bindsym $mod+e layout toggle split
+ # Make the current focus fullscreen
+ bindsym $mod+f fullscreen
+ # Toggle the current focus between tiling and floating mode
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+space floating toggle
+ # Swap focus between the tiling area and the floating area
+ bindsym $mod+space focus mode_toggle
+ # move focus to the parent container
+ bindsym $mod+a focus parent
+# Scratchpad:
+ # Sway has a "scratchpad", which is a bag of holding for windows.
+ # You can send windows there and get them back later.
+ # Move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
+ bindsym $mod+Shift+minus move scratchpad
+ # Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
+ # If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
+ bindsym $mod+minus scratchpad show
+# Resizing containers:
+mode "resize" {
+ # left will shrink the containers width
+ # right will grow the containers width
+ # up will shrink the containers height
+ # down will grow the containers height
+ bindsym $left resize shrink width 10px
+ bindsym $down resize grow height 10px
+ bindsym $up resize shrink height 10px
+ bindsym $right resize grow width 10px
+ # ditto, with arrow keys
+ bindsym Left resize shrink width 10px
+ bindsym Down resize grow height 10px
+ bindsym Up resize shrink height 10px
+ bindsym Right resize grow width 10px
+ # return to default mode
+ bindsym Return mode "default"
+ bindsym Escape mode "default"
+bindsym $mod+Shift+r mode "resize"
+# Status Bar:
+# Read `man 5 sway-bar` for more information about this section.
+bar {
+ position bottom
+ colors {
+ statusline #ffffff
+ background #323232
+ inactive_workspace #32323200 #32323200 #5c5c5c
+ }
+ status_command i3status
+include /etc/sway/config.d/*
** TLP
*** TODO enigma
-*** plasma
+*** archy
-#+begin_src conf :tangle (when (and (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) (string= (system-name) "plasma")) "/sudo::/etc/default/tlp")
+#+begin_src conf :tangle (when (and (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) (string= (system-name) "archy")) "/sudo::/etc/default/tlp")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tlp - Parameters for power saving
# See full explanation:
contrary, it's automatically sourced by LightDM, my display manager of
-#+begin_src sh
+#+begin_src sh :tangle no
xset -b # disable bell
+xset r rate 200 45 # repeat delay (ms) and rate (repeats/sec)
# setxkbmap -option compose:ralt
export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true'
-# &
if [ $(hostname) = "plasma" ]
- bspwm &
-elif [ $(hostname) = "enigma" ]
- emacs -ib 0 &
+ &
+bspwm &
*** X resources
# Load these ssh identities with the ssh module
-zssh_ids=(id_rsa plasma_id_rsa id_ed25519 id_rsa_aur)
#export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk
#export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
-#if [ -e /home/amin/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ]; then . /home/amin/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/; fi # added by Nix installer
+if [ -e /home/amin/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/ ]; then . /home/amin/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/; fi # added by Nix installer
*** zshenv
alias jcl=journalctl
alias m="mbsync -Va; getmail; notmuch new"
alias best="youtube-dl -f best"
-alias ace="mosh"
-alias nix="ssh"
+alias nixx="ssh"
+alias fence="ssh"
aur() {
cd ~/usr/build
=rofi-light= a small utility that uses [[][Rofi]] to ask and [[][light]] to set an
exact brightness value.
+** battery-percentage-time
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/battery-percentage-time :shebang "#!/bin/sh"
+#+begin_src sh :tangle no
+dbus_send() {
+ label=$1
+ dbus-send --print-reply=literal --system \
+ --dest=org.freedesktop.UPower \
+ /org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/battery_BAT0 \
+ org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.Get \
+ string:org.freedesktop.UPower.Device \
+ string:"${label}" | awk '{print $3}'
+perc=$(dbus_send 'Percentage')
+state=$(dbus_send 'State')
+if [ "$state" -eq 2 ]; then # Discharging
+ secs=$(dbus_send 'TimeToEmpty')
+elif [ "$state" -eq 1 ]; then # Charging
+ secs=$(dbus_send 'TimeToFull')
+printf '%s%%%%%2dh%02dm \n' "$perc" $((secs / 3600)) $((secs % 3600 / 60))
** rofi-light
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/rofi-light :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
light -S $val
+** s (run sway)
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/s :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
+#+begin_src bash
+export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true'
+light -Scrs "intel_backlight" 2
+source $HOME/.zprofile
+** sway-ws-util
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/sway-ws-util :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
+#+begin_src bash
+curr_ws=$(swaymsg -t get_workspaces | jq -r '.[] | select(.focused==true).name')
+[[ $curr_ws -eq 1 ]] && prev_ws=10 || prev_ws=$((curr_ws-1))
+[[ $curr_ws -eq 10 ]] && next_ws=1 || next_ws=$((curr_ws+1))
+if [ "$1" = "switch" ] || [ "$1" = "move" ]; then
+ op="$1"
+ if [ "$2" = "prev" ]; then
+ dest_ws="$prev_ws"
+ elif [ "$2" = "next" ]; then
+ dest_ws="$next_ws"
+ else
+ echo "Usage: $0 $1 {prev|next} [follow]"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "Usage: $0 {switch|move} {prev|next} [follow]"
+ exit 1
+if [ "$op" = "switch" ]; then
+ sway workspace "$dest_ws"
+elif [ "$op" = "move" ]; then
+ sway move container to workspace "$dest_ws"
+ if [ "$3" = "follow" ]; then
+ sway workspace "$dest_ws"
+ fi
** toggle-layout
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/toggle-layout :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
-#+begin_src bash
+#+begin_src bash :tangle no
lang="$(setxkbmap -print | grep xkb_symbols | cut -d'+' -f 2)"
if [ "$lang" = "us" ]; then
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/toggle-presentation-mode :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
-#+begin_src bash
+#+begin_src bash :tangle no
xfconf-query -c xfce4-power-manager -p /xfce4-power-manager/presentation-mode -T
+** toggle-tablet
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/toggle-tablet :shebang "#!/bin/bash"
+This script toggles between a 'normal' mode and a 'tablet' mode, doing
+a few things:
+- rotates the screen using =xrandr=, so that rotating the physical
+ display of my X220t would have the laptop's battery on the right
+ hand side,
+- enables touch screen,
+- properly rotates the stylus pen and touch screen pointers, and
+- toggles between RGB and Vertical BGR sub-pixel order.
+#+begin_src bash :tangle no
+case $(xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Pen_stylus/Properties/Wacom_Rotation) in
+ 0) # Screen is not rotated, we should rotate it right (90°)
+ xrandr -o 3
+ xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Pen_stylus/Properties/Wacom_Rotation -s 1
+ xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Finger_touch/Properties/Device_Enabled -s 1
+ xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Finger_touch/Properties/Wacom_Rotation -s 1
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/RGBA -s vbgr
+ ;;
+ 1) # Currently top is rotated right, we should set it normal (0°)
+ xrandr -o 0
+ xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Pen_stylus/Properties/Wacom_Rotation -s 0
+ xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Finger_touch/Properties/Wacom_Rotation -s 0
+ xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Finger_touch/Properties/Device_Enabled -s 0
+ xfconf-query -c xsettings -p /Xft/RGBA -s rgb
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "Unknown result from 'xfconf-query -c pointers -p /Wacom_ISDv4_E6_Pen_stylus/Properties/Wacom_Rotation'" >&2
+ exit 1
+ ;;
:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/ :shebang "#!/usr/bin/env python2"
-#+begin_src python
+#+begin_src python :tangle no
import gnomekeyring as gk
# list_item_ids_sync('login')[0] == 1L
+** volume-info
+:header-args+: :tangle ~/.local/bin/volume-info :shebang "#!/bin/sh"
+#+begin_src sh :tangle no
+cur_vol=$(pamixer --get-volume)
+if [ $(pamixer --get-mute) = true ]; then
+ printf 'mt \n' "$cur_vol"
+ printf '%02d \n' "$cur_vol"
** wp
My little wallpaper changer script.