(with-eval-after-load 'bind-key
:package borg
- ("C-c B A" . borg-activate)
- ("C-c B a" . borg-assimilate)
- ("C-c B b" . borg-build)
- ("C-c B c" . borg-clone)))
+ ("C-c b A" . borg-activate)
+ ("C-c b a" . borg-assimilate)
+ ("C-c b b" . borg-build)
+ ("C-c b c" . borg-clone)
+ ("C-c b m" . borg-insert-update-message)
+ ("C-c b r" . borg-remove)))
*** =use-package=
(use-package epkg
:defer t
- (("C-c B d" . epkg-describe-package)
- ("C-c B p" . epkg-list-packages)
- ("C-c B r" . borg-remove)
- ("C-c B u" . epkg-update)))
+ (("C-c b d" . epkg-describe-package)
+ ("C-c b p" . epkg-list-packages)
+ ("C-c b u" . epkg-update)))
** No littering in =~/.emacs.d=
(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))
-** COMMENT Server
+** Server
Start server if not already running. Alternatively, can be done by
issuing =emacs --daemon= in the terminal, which can be automated with
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(global-auto-revert-mode 1)
(setq auto-revert-verbose nil
- global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers t)
+ global-auto-revert-non-file-buffers nil)
*** Always use space for indentation
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
- ("C-c b k" . kill-this-buffer)
- ("C-c b s" . save-buffer)
- ("C-c S" . save-buffer)
- ("C-c o" . other-window)
- ("C-c q q" . save-buffers-kill-terminal)
- ("C-c F m" . make-frame-command)
- ("C-c F d" . delete-frame)
- ("C-c F D" . delete-other-frames)
("s-c e b" . eval-buffer)
("s-c e r" . eval-region)
+*** [[https://github.com/noctuid/general.el][general]]
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package general
+ :demand t
+ :config
+ (general-evil-setup t)
+ (general-override-mode)
+ (general-create-definer
+ amin--leader-keys
+ :keymaps 'override
+ :states '(emacs normal visual motion insert)
+ :non-normal-prefix "M-m"
+ :prefix "SPC"))
+*** [[https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil][evil]]
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package evil
+ :demand t
+ ;; :hook (org-src-mode . evil-motion-state)
+ :init
+ (setq evil-want-integration nil)
+ :config
+ (evil-mode 1)
+ (general-swap-key nil '(normal motion) ";" ":")
+ (setq
+ evil-want-visual-char-semi-exclusive t
+ evil-move-beyond-eol t
+ ;; evil-move-cursor-back nil
+ )
+ ;; motion state modes
+ (dolist (mode '(ebdb-mode
+ helpful-mode
+ view-mode))
+ (evil-set-initial-state mode 'motion))
+ ;; fix tab and indentation in src blocks inside org-mode buffer
+ ;; also see https://git.sr.ht/~bandali/dotfiles/commit/0e2ffd584aafdd4cf256bcdf2473f01c3aaaed55
+ (unbind-key "TAB" evil-motion-state-map)
+ (unbind-key "C-d" evil-insert-state-map)
+ (unbind-key "C-v" evil-insert-state-map)
+ (unbind-key "C-y" evil-insert-state-map)
+ (unbind-key "C-a" evil-insert-state-map)
+ (unbind-key "C-e" evil-insert-state-map)
+ (unbind-key "C-p" evil-insert-state-map)
+ (unbind-key "C-n" evil-insert-state-map))
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package evil-escape
+ :after evil
+ :init
+ (setq evil-escape-excluded-states '(normal visual multiedit emacs motion)
+ evil-escape-excluded-major-modes '(neotree-mode)
+ evil-escape-key-sequence "jk"
+ evil-escape-delay 0.25)
+ ;; :general
+ ;; (:states '(insert replace visual operator)
+ ;; "C-g" #'evil-escape)
+ :config
+ (evil-escape-mode 1)
+ ;; no `evil-escape' in minibuffer
+ (push #'minibufferp evil-escape-inhibit-functions))
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package evil-nerd-commenter
+ :after evil
+ :general
+ (nmap
+ "gc" 'evilnc-comment-operator
+ "gy" 'evilnc-copy-and-comment-lines))
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package evil-surround
+ :after evil
+ :general
+ (omap
+ "s" 'evil-surround-edit
+ "S" 'evil-Surround-edit)
+ (vmap
+ "S" 'evil-surround-region
+ "gS" 'evil-Surround-region))
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+ "/" '(:ignore t :wk "search")
+ "b" '(:ignore t :wk "buffers")
+ "b k" 'kill-this-buffer
+ "b s" 'save-buffer
+ "e" '(:ignore t :wk "eval")
+ "e b" 'eval-buffer
+ "e r" 'eval-region
+ "e e" 'shell-pop
+ "f" '(:ignore t :wk "files")
+ "F" '(:ignore t :wk "frames")
+ "F m" 'make-frame-command
+ "F d" 'delete-frame
+ "F D" 'delete-other-frames
+ "h" '(:ignore t :wk "help(ful)")
+ "h c" 'describe-char
+ "h f" 'describe-function
+ "h F" 'describe-face
+ "h H" 'view-hello-file
+ "h i" 'info
+ "h k" 'describe-key
+ "h l" 'view-lossage
+ "h v" 'describe-variable
+ "o" 'other-window
+ "w" '(:ignore t :wk "window")
+ "w o" 'other-window
+ "w 0" 'delete-window
+ "w 1" 'delete-other-windows
+ "w 2" 'split-window-below
+ "w 3" 'split-window-right
+ "w u" 'winner-undo
+ "w r" 'winner-redo
+ "q" '(:ignore t :wk "quit")
+ "q q" 'save-buffers-kill-terminal)
*** [[https://orgmode.org/][Org mode]]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package org
:defer 3
+ :general
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ :states 'normal
+ :keymaps 'org-mode-map
+ "'" 'org-edit-special)
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ :definer 'minor-mode
+ :states 'normal
+ :keymaps 'org-src-mode
+ "'" 'org-edit-src-exit
+ "k" 'org-edit-src-abort)
+ (general-define-key
+ :definer 'minor-mode
+ :states 'normal
+ :keymaps 'org-src-mode
+ "q" 'org-edit-src-exit)
(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t
org-src-preserve-indentation nil
org-edit-src-content-indentation 0
org-email-link-description-format "Email %c: %s" ; %.30s
org-log-done 'time)
+ (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("L" . "src emacs-lisp") t)
+ (after! org-src
+ (define-key org-src-mode-map [remap evil-write] 'org-edit-src-save)
+ (define-key org-src-mode-map [remap evil-save-and-close]
+ (lambda () (interactive)
+ (org-edit-src-save)
+ (org-edit-src-exit)))
+ (define-key org-src-mode-map [remap evil-save-modified-and-close]
+ (lambda () (interactive)
+ (org-edit-src-save)
+ (org-edit-src-exit)))
+ (define-key org-src-mode-map [remap evil-quit] 'org-edit-src-abort))
:bind (:map org-mode-map ("M-L" . org-insert-last-stored-link))
:hook ((org-mode . org-indent-mode)
(org-mode . auto-fill-mode)
(use-package ox-beamer
:after ox)
+(use-package ob-tangle
+ :general
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ :states 'normal
+ :keymaps 'org-mode-map
+ "b t" 'org-babel-tangle))
(use-package orgalist
:after message
:hook (message-mode . orgalist-mode))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package magit
:defer 2
- :bind
- (("s-g" . magit-status)
- :prefix-map amin--magit-prefix-map
- :prefix "C-c g"
- ("SPC" . magit-status)
- ("s" . magit-status)
- ("S" . magit-status-prefix)
- ("B" . magit-blame-addition)
- ("C" . magit-clone)
- ("f" . magit-fetch-other)
- ("F" . magit-pull-branch)
- ("P" . magit-push-other)
- ("p" . magit-dispatch-popup)
- ("c c" . magit-commit-create)
- ("c a" . magit-commit-amend)
- ("b b" . magit-checkout)
- ("b c" . magit-branch-create))
+ :general (amin--leader-keys "g s" 'magit-status)
+ :bind ("s-g" . magit-status)
(magit-add-section-hook 'magit-status-sections-hook
+ (setq
+ magit-repository-directories '(("~/.emacs.d/" . 0)
+ ("~/src/git/" . 1)))
+ (push (cons [unpushed status] 'show) magit-section-initial-visibility-alist)
:custom-face (magit-diff-file-heading ((t (:weight normal)))))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package ivy
:defer 1
+ :general (amin--leader-keys "," 'ivy-switch-buffer)
- (("C-c b b" . ivy-switch-buffer)
- :map ivy-minibuffer-map
+ (:map ivy-minibuffer-map
([escape] . keyboard-escape-quit)
([S-up] . ivy-previous-history-element)
([S-down] . ivy-next-history-element)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package swiper
+ :general (:states '(normal motion) "/" 'swiper)
:bind (("C-s" . swiper)
("C-r" . swiper)))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package counsel
:defer 1
+ :general
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ "r" 'counsel-recentf
+ "SPC" 'counsel-M-x
+ "." 'counsel-find-file)
:bind (([remap execute-extended-command] . counsel-M-x)
([remap find-file] . counsel-find-file)
("s-r" . counsel-recentf)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package ibuffer
:defer t
+ :general (amin--leader-keys "b b" 'ibuffer-other-window)
(("C-x C-b" . ibuffer-other-window)
- ("C-c b B" . ibuffer-other-window)
:map ibuffer-mode-map
("P" . ibuffer-backward-filter-group)
("N" . ibuffer-forward-filter-group)
(use-package help
:defer t
- :config (temp-buffer-resize-mode))
+ :config
+ (temp-buffer-resize-mode)
+ (setq help-window-select t))
(progn ; `isearch'
(setq isearch-allow-scroll t))
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package crux
:defer 1
- :bind (("C-c d" . crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region)
- ("C-c M-d" . crux-duplicate-and-comment-current-line-or-region)
- ("C-c b K" . crux-kill-other-buffers)
- ("C-c f C" . crux-copy-file-preserve-attributes)
- ("C-c f D" . crux-delete-file-and-buffer)
- ("C-c f R" . crux-rename-file-and-buffer)
- ("C-S-j" . crux-top-join-line)
- ("C-c j" . crux-top-join-line)))
+ :general
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ "b K" 'crux-kill-other-buffers
+ "c d" 'crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region
+ "c D" 'crux-duplicate-and-comment-current-line-or-region
+ "f c" 'crux-copy-file-preserve-attributes
+ "f d" 'crux-delete-file-and-buffer
+ "f r" 'crux-rename-file-and-buffer)
+ :bind (("C-c d" . crux-duplicate-current-line-or-region)
+ ("C-c D" . crux-duplicate-and-comment-current-line-or-region)
+ ("C-S-j" . crux-top-join-line)
+ ("C-c j" . crux-top-join-line)))
** [[https://github.com/alezost/mwim.el][mwim]]
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package mwim
+ :general
+ (:states '(normal visual)
+ "0" 'mwim-beginning-of-code-or-line
+ "$" 'mwim-end-of-code-or-line)
:bind (("C-a" . mwim-beginning-of-code-or-line)
("C-e" . mwim-end-of-code-or-line)
("<home>" . mwim-beginning-of-line-or-code)
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package helpful
:defer 1
- :bind
- (;; ("C-h F" . helpful-function)
- ("C-h f" . helpful-callable)
- ("C-h v" . helpful-variable)
- ("C-h k" . helpful-key)
- ("C-c C-d" . helpful-at-point)
- ("C-h C" . helpful-command)
- ("C-h c" . describe-char)
- ("C-h F" . describe-face)))
-(use-package help
- :bind
- (("C-S-h f" . describe-function)
- ("C-S-h v" . describe-variable)
- ("C-S-h k" . describe-key)
- ("C-S-h C" . describe-coding-system)
- ("C-S-h c" . describe-key-briefly))
- :config (setq help-window-select t))
+ :general
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ "h h" '(:ignore t :wk "helpful")
+ "h h c" 'helpful-command
+ "h h f" 'helpful-callable ; helpful-function
+ "h h v" 'helpful-variable
+ "h h k" 'helpful-key
+ "h h p" 'helpful-at-point))
** [[https://github.com/kyagi/shell-pop-el][shell-pop]]
Also see [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/rebox2][rebox2]].
-** [[https://github.com/DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides][highlight-indent-guides]]
+** COMMENT [[https://github.com/DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides][highlight-indent-guides]] :ARCHIVE:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package highlight-indent-guides
:subscribed-channels '(general)
:full-and-display-names t)
(add-to-list 'swiper-font-lock-exclude 'slack-message-buffer-mode t)
+ (setq lui-time-stamp-format "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"
+ lui-time-stamp-only-when-changed-p t
+ lui-time-stamp-position 'right)
(("C-c s s" . slack-start)
("C-c s u" . slack-select-unread-rooms)
+** magithub
+For when I /have to/ use GH.
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package magithub
+ :after magit
+ :config
+ (magithub-feature-autoinject t)
+ (setq magithub-clone-default-directory "~/src/git"))
+** [[https://github.com/peterwvj/eshell-up][eshell-up]]
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package eshell-up
+ :after eshell)
* Email
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
read-mail-command 'gnus)
(use-package gnus
+ :general
+ (amin--leader-keys
+ "m" 'gnus
+ "M" 'gnus-unplugged)
:bind (("s-m" . gnus)
("s-M" . gnus-unplugged))
(setq gnus-posting-styles
- (address "amin@aminb.org"))
+ (address "amin@aminb.org")
+ (body "\nBest,\namin\n"))
(address "bandali@gnu.org"))
+ ((header "subject" "ThankCRM")
+ (to "webmasters-comment@gnu.org"))
(address "abandali@uwaterloo.ca")
(gcc "\"nnimap+uwaterloo:Sent Items\"")))))
** supercite
-#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package supercite
- :commands sc-cite-original
+ :after message
- (add-hook 'mail-citation-hook 'sc-cite-original)
+ (setq sc-nested-citation-p t
+ ;; sc-cite-blank-lines-p t
+ sc-citation-leader ""
+ sc-reference-tag-string ""
+ sc-preferred-header-style 5 ; (sc-header-author-writes)
+ sc-auto-fill-region-p nil
+ sc-confirm-always-p nil)
+ :config
+ ;; (defun amin--sc-header-on-wrote ()
+ ;; "\"On <date>, <sc-author> wrote:\" unless:
+ ;; 1. the \"sc-author\" field cannot be found, in which case nothing is inserted;
+ ;; 2. the \"date\" field is missing in which case only the from part is printed."
+ ;; (let ((sc-mumble "")
+ ;; (whofrom (sc-whofrom)))
+ ;; (if whofrom
+ ;; (insert sc-reference-tag-string
+ ;; (sc-hdr "On " (sc-mail-field "date") ", ")
+ ;; (sc-hdr "" (sc-mail-field "sc-author")) " wrote:\n"))))
+ ;; (defun amin--sc-header ()
+ ;; "Hi <firstname>,\n\n <from> writes:"
+ ;; (let ((sc-mumble "")
+ ;; (whofrom (sc-whofrom)))
+ ;; (if whofrom
+ ;; (insert (sc-hdr "Hi " (sc-mail-field "sc-firstname") ",\n\n")
+ ;; sc-reference-tag-string
+ ;; whofrom
+ ;; " writes:\n"))))
+ ;; (add-to-list 'sc-rewrite-header-list '(amin--sc-header) t)
+ ;; (add-to-list 'sc-rewrite-header-list '(amin--sc-header-on-wrote) t)
+ ;; (setq sc-preferred-header-style (1- (length sc-rewrite-header-list)))
+ (add-hook 'mail-citation-hook 'sc-cite-original))
+** ebdb
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package ebdb
+ :defer 1
+ :bind (:map gnus-group-mode-map ("e" . ebdb))
+ :config
+ (setq ebdb-sources (no-littering-expand-var-file-name "ebdb")))
+(use-package ebdb-com
+ :after ebdb)
- (defun sc-remove-existing-signature ()
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char (region-beginning))
- (when (re-search-forward message-signature-separator (region-end) t)
- (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (region-end)))))
+(use-package ebdb-complete
+ :after ebdb
+ :config
+ (ebdb-complete-enable))
+(use-package ebdb-gnus
+ :after ebdb)
- (add-hook 'mail-citation-hook 'sc-remove-existing-signature)
+(use-package ebdb-message
+ :after ebdb)
- (defun sc-remove-if-not-mailing-list ()
- (unless (assoc "list-id" sc-mail-info)
- (setq attribution sc-default-attribution
- citation (concat sc-citation-delimiter
- sc-citation-separator))))
+;; (use-package ebdb-vcard
+;; :after ebdb)
- (add-hook 'sc-attribs-postselect-hook 'sc-remove-if-not-mailing-list)
+** COMMENT bbdb
+[submodule "bbdb"]
+ path = lib/bbdb
+ url = https://git.savannah.nongnu.org/git/bbdb.git
+ load-path = lisp/elisp
+ info-path = doc
+ build-step = ./autogen.sh
+ build-step = ./configure --with-lispdir=elisp
+ build-step = make
+ build-step = make install
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package bbdb
+ :init
+ (bbdb-mua-auto-update-init 'message)
+ (setq bbdb-mua-auto-update-p 'query)
+ (add-hook 'gnus-startup-hook 'bbdb-insinuate-gnus))
+** COMMENT message-x
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package message-x
+ :custom
+ (message-x-completion-alist
+ (quote
+ (("\\([rR]esent-\\|[rR]eply-\\)?[tT]o:\\|[bB]?[cC][cC]:" . gnus-harvest-find-address)
+ ((if
+ (boundp
+ (quote message-newgroups-header-regexp))
+ message-newgroups-header-regexp message-newsgroups-header-regexp)
+ . message-expand-group)))))
+** COMMENT gnus-harvest
+#+begin_src emacs-lisp
+(use-package gnus-harvest
+ :commands gnus-harvest-install
+ :demand t
- (defun sc-fill-if-different (&optional prefix)
- "Fill the region bounded by `sc-fill-begin' and point.
-Only fill if optional PREFIX is different than
-`sc-fill-line-prefix'. If `sc-auto-fill-region-p' is nil, do not
-fill region. If PREFIX is not supplied, initialize fill
-variables. This is useful for a regi `begin' frame-entry."
- (if (not prefix)
- (setq sc-fill-line-prefix ""
- sc-fill-begin (line-beginning-position))
- (if (and sc-auto-fill-region-p
- (not (string= prefix sc-fill-line-prefix)))
- (let ((fill-prefix sc-fill-line-prefix))
- (unless (or (string= fill-prefix "")
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char sc-fill-begin)
- (or (looking-at ">+ +")
- (< (length
- (buffer-substring (point)
- (line-end-position)))
- 65))))
- (fill-region sc-fill-begin (line-beginning-position)))
- (setq sc-fill-line-prefix prefix
- sc-fill-begin (line-beginning-position)))))
+ (if (featurep 'message-x)
+ (gnus-harvest-install 'message-x)
+ (gnus-harvest-install)))
** COMMENT gnus-alias :ARCHIVE: