-# setxkbmap \
-# -layout us,ir \
-# -option ctrl:nocaps \
-# -option grp:shifts_toggle
-setxkbmap \
- -layout us,ir \
- -option ctrl:swap_rwin_rctl \
- -option grp:shifts_toggle
-xmodmap -e "keysym Menu = Super_R"
-xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
-xset r rate 200 45
-xset b off
-[ -x "$(command -v pasystray)" ] && pasystray -a &
-[ -x "$(command -v nm-applet)" ] && nm-applet &
-[ -x "$(command -v picom)" ] && picom &
-[ -x "$(command -v dunst)" ] && dunst &
-exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session -- emacs -ib 0
+# launch with dbus in part so that pinentry-gnome3 -- seemingly the
+# pinentry du jour -- doesn't fall back to curses and screw us.
+[ -x "$(command -v emacs)" ] && dbus-run-session ssh-agent emacs -ib 0