;;; Code:
(defconst aminb-packages
- '(crux writeroom-mode znc
- ;; mu4e has to be installed manually,
- ;; and make sure it's in load-path
- (mu4e :location site)
- (mu4e-contrib :location site)
- smtpmail
- )
+ '(creamsody-theme
+ crux
+ ;; mu4e has to be installed manually,
+ ;; and make sure it's in load-path
+ (mu4e :location site)
+ (mu4e-contrib :location site)
+ smtpmail
+ writeroom-mode
+ znc)
"The list of Lisp packages required by the aminb layer.")
+(defun aminb/init-creamsody-theme ())
(defun aminb/init-crux ()
(use-package crux
:defer t