emacs: update packages
[~bandali/configs] / .emacs.d / init.el
2019-12-12 Amin Bandaliemacs: message-mode: use the default fill (of 72) for now
2019-12-08 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, disable web-mode's auto indentation
2019-12-04 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: always sign messages
2019-12-04 Amin Bandaliemacs: debbugs: add C-c D G binding for guix bugs
2019-12-04 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages
2019-11-27 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, briefly try scpaste
2019-11-23 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: fix Mail-Followup-To header not being...
2019-11-22 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, switch from bbdb back to ebdb...
2019-11-21 Amin Bandaliemacs: enable flyspell-mode in text-mode
2019-11-21 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, add convenience bindings for...
2019-11-21 Amin Bandaliemacs: disable typo for now
2019-11-20 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, add gnuzilla to debbugs-gnu...
2019-11-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: make b/insert-asterism more robust w.r.t. fill...
2019-11-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: experiment with a fill-column of 47 for neat...
2019-11-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: eshell: bind counsel-esh-history in eshell-hist...
2019-11-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: add bit for gnus lists
2019-11-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: remove mouse drag events
2019-11-14 Amin Bandaliemacs: try swapping out ebdb for bbdb
2019-11-14 Amin Bandaliemacs: simplify/tweak swiper and counsel use-packages
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: better ivy match colours
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: erc: append space to erc-pcomplete-nick-postfix
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: company: use C-p and C-n for selecting prev...
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: ivy: customize match faces a bit to make them...
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: switch to ivy again for the time being
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: don’t need to defun my window split and focus...
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: don’t show the References header for now
2019-11-11 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, move from ivy and company to ido
2019-11-03 Amin Bandaliemacs: vc-git: set vc-git-print-log-follow
2019-11-03 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: update visible headers and simplify messag...
2019-10-30 Amin Bandaliemacs: (defun b/insert-asterism () …)
2019-10-30 Amin Bandaliemacs: call erc-hl-nicks-reset-face-table when changing...
2019-10-30 Amin Bandaliemacs: use C-c b b for erc-switch-to-buffer
2019-10-30 Amin Bandaliemacs: add debpaste
2019-10-26 Amin Bandaliemacs: add oddmuse-curl
2019-10-20 Amin Bandaliemacs: add some which-key prefix labels
2019-10-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: don’t auto sign messages for now, sign replies...
2019-10-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: update some signatures
2019-10-18 Amin Bandaliemacs: experiment with hyperbole
2019-10-16 Amin Bandaliemacs: update signature, sign messages by default
2019-10-10 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: add emacsconf-committee list
2019-10-10 Amin Bandaliemacs: add C-c w s l and C-c w s j convenience bindings
2019-10-09 Amin Bandaliemacs: fix recursive load error with ebdb and ebdb...
2019-10-09 Amin Bandalifix jirud (exwm) setup
2019-09-29 Amin Bandaliemacs: pdf-tools: add "C-s" and "s s" bindings for...
2019-09-29 Amin Bandaliemacs: add and use smart-mode-line-tangomod-theme
2019-09-29 Amin Bandaliemacs: switch back to smart-mode-line
2019-09-29 Amin Bandaliemacs: try out mini-modeline, but disable it for now
2019-09-28 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, fix indentation, set dired...
2019-09-28 Amin Bandaliemacs: alloy-mode: indent using spaces rather than...
2019-09-28 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages
2019-09-23 Amin Bandaliemacs: auth-source: set newly introduced authinfo-hidden
2019-09-23 Amin Bandaliemacs: update eshell prompt to match new bash prompt
2019-09-20 Amin Bandaliemacs: enable typo-mode in web-mode
2019-09-20 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: default to my @gnu.org address when for...
2019-09-20 Amin Bandaliupdate my uwaterloo addresses, simplify message-dont...
2019-09-20 Amin Bandaliemacs: moody: tweak mode-line colour
2019-09-20 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages and disable emojify
2019-09-14 Amin Bandaliemacs: remove exwm-systemtray--refresh call from my...
2019-09-14 Amin Bandaliemacs: update lean-mode
2019-09-13 Amin Bandaliemacs: ebdb: enable the pop-up again for now
2019-09-13 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, disable exwm for now
2019-09-12 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: add some rudimentary exwm-randr settings
2019-09-12 Amin Bandaliupdate my uwaterloo address
2019-09-12 Amin Bandaliemacs: add org-pdftools
2019-09-12 Amin Bandaliemacs: add george-mode hash
2019-09-10 Amin Bandaliemacs: gnus: update lists.sr.ht mail splitting regexp
2019-09-10 Amin Bandaliemacs: add george-mode
2019-09-10 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: tweak simulation keys
2019-09-09 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: improve close/quit -related bindings
2019-09-09 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: fix s-N workspace switching bindings
2019-09-08 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, use dmenu for s-SPC
2019-09-08 Amin Bandaliemacs,shell: back to tango(mod) and doom-one
2019-09-07 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: add convenient prev/next buffer switching...
2019-09-07 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: add bindings for switching, swapping,...
2019-09-07 Amin Bandaliemacs: erc: make erc-track info visible when using...
2019-09-07 Amin Bandaliemacs: take solarized for a spin
2019-09-07 Amin Bandaliemacs: add exwm-edit
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: add smooth-scrolling with C-p and C-n...
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: erc: remove my temporary fix for erc-lurker
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs,shell: start xfce4-notifyd until i fix eosd’s...
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: add C-c C-c and C-c C-u simulation keys...
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: better simulation keys for abrowser, fix s-N...
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliexwm: add local simulation keys for urxvt and abrowser
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: refresh exwm systemtray after changing theme
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: try out dmenu, report some bugs
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: revamp/rearrange exwm config
2019-09-06 Amin Bandaliemacs: ebdb: use :demand instead of require, disable...
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: remove delight and simply use minions
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: rearrange and enable some bindings
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: various exwm tweaks
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: :demand time and battery
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: exwm: don’t hardcode 10 for s-N bindings, use...
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: ibuffer: show longer buffer names, add exwm...
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: battery: remove %b, sml uses colour codes to...
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: display time and battery in mode-line
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliswitch to exwm
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: magit: set magit-diff-refine-hunk
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: untabify init.el
2019-09-05 Amin Bandaliemacs: update packages, experiment with doom-modeline...
2019-09-03 Amin Bandaliemacs: improve init-related messages