* .emacs.d/lisp/bandali-gnus.el: Tweak gnus-posting-styles.
[~bandali/configs] / gtk / .gtkrc-2.0
2018-04-29 Amin Bandali[rc/gtk,isync] migrate GTK and isync configs
2017-07-31 Amin BandaliMinor tweaks concerning my bspwm setup on Arch
2017-03-04 Amin BandaliSwitch to Greybird theme and elementary Xfce icons
2016-11-19 Amin Bandali[gtk] Update gtk 2&3 settings
2015-03-01 Amin Bandaliupdate color theme (Base16 Tomorrow)
2014-12-29 Amin Bandalidisable gtk2 menu icons
2014-10-25 Amin Bandaliadd bspwm, sxhkd, conky, git, gtk and x configs