[emacs][wip] enable the rest of my org customizations
[~bandali/configs] / lib /
drwxr-xr-x   ..
m--------- - alert
m--------- - all-the-icons
m--------- - alloy-mode
m--------- - async
m--------- - auto-compile
m--------- - boogie-friends
m--------- - borg
m--------- - boxquote
m--------- - bui
m--------- - closql
m--------- - company
m--------- - company-ebdb
m--------- - crux
m--------- - dante
m--------- - dash
m--------- - diff-hl
m--------- - doom-themes
m--------- - ebdb
m--------- - ebdb-gnorb
m--------- - edit-indirect
m--------- - eldoc-eval
m--------- - elisp-refs
m--------- - emacsql
m--------- - emmet-mode
m--------- - epkg
m--------- - epl
m--------- - eshell-up
m--------- - exec-path-from-shell
m--------- - expand-region
m--------- - f
m--------- - flycheck
m--------- - flycheck-haskell
m--------- - geiser
m--------- - ghub
m--------- - git-modes
m--------- - gnorb
m--------- - graphql
m--------- - guix
m--------- - haskell-mode
m--------- - helm
m--------- - helpful
m--------- - hl-todo
m--------- - hlint-refactor
m--------- - ht
m--------- - hydra
m--------- - ivy
m--------- - lcr
m--------- - lean-mode
m--------- - loop
m--------- - magit
m--------- - magit-popup
m--------- - markdown-mode
m--------- - memoize
m--------- - multi-term
m--------- - multiple-cursors
m--------- - mwim
m--------- - no-littering
m--------- - org
m--------- - orgalist
m--------- - other-frame-window
m--------- - ox-hugo
m--------- - packed
m--------- - page-break-lines
m--------- - pkg-info
m--------- - popup
m--------- - projectile
m--------- - proof-site
m--------- - rich-minority
m--------- - s
m--------- - shrink-path
m--------- - shut-up
m--------- - smart-mode-line
m--------- - smex
m--------- - treepy
m--------- - typo
m--------- - unkillable-scratch
m--------- - use-package
m--------- - web-mode
m--------- - which-key
m--------- - winum
m--------- - with-editor
m--------- - yaml-mode
m--------- - yasnippet